Saturday, December 29, 2012

First Post/Kung Fu Point Chopper POP

Hi, this is the good kind of geek- a blog where I share my geeky interests and news with you!

I'm the type of geek that:
*Have a healthy life style and relationship with people.
*Don't shove my "geekness" in your face.
*Enjoy geek culture that's more accepting to general public.
* Stay away from those strange bizarre Japanese hentai-like animation that I have no idea where the appeal is (seriously people, what the hell!)
*Stay away from my little pony (what the hell, people!)
*Basically, I'm the type of geek you would be fine to hang out with :)

Since we're on the topic about ponies, can anyone explain to me why this meant for little girls cartoon became such a hit with young, 20 something males? I tried watching it once on Netflix, but I just don't understand why it attracts adolescent males. You heard that? That's sounds of women's vaginas drying up.

You know what, I'm a geek myself so pot shouldn't be calling the kettle back. But I really don't like those bronies/hentai people making other geeks look bad. So before anyone can give me a legit reason why you perverts like my little pony, I'm just gonna be a hater.

Anyway, with my first post I'm gonna show you my One Piece POP figure- Chopper Kung Fu Point! They don't usually release Chopper figures other than his cutesy appearance, so I know I have to get this. This figure is surprisingly smaller than I expected, but nonetheless it's still a wonderful, and cheap figure. I got it for around 37 bucks.

Anyway, hope you enjoy my blog and hope we get to know each other better. Bye!

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