Thursday, January 31, 2013

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Pt. 2

Every since I watched the first Dark Knight Returns movie, I am looking forward to the sequel like a fat kid waiting for his dinner.  And when the dinner finally arrives, it did not disappoint.  Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 is one of the best comic turns animation movie I have ever seen.

The movie continues from where the first movie left off.  It's a few months later and Batman is back on the street with his new Robin- Carrie Kelly.  Now Batman faces problems from different places include the new commissioner wanting to arrest Batman, The Joker coming back to face Batman one last time, and the president asking Superman to take down Batman.  There are a lot of story to tell here, and the film is really compressed.  However, it is not rushed at all.  As a person who read Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns comic beforehand, I feel the movie is a faithful portrayal of the comic, while it retains the fun of watching a film.

The highlight has to be when The Joker starting to make his moves.  The crazy clown prince just want to prove himself one last time, just want to show that Batman can kill.  And he did.  An older Batman can do things he cannot do before.  He learned his lessons the hard way and he is not going to let The Joker no around free again.  Even though Batman still doesn't kill Joker, but he comes really far, the farthest he has ever come before.  This really shows a different color in Batman and I really enjoy it.

Even though I know Frank Miller comes up with the idea first, but after watching The Dark Knight Rises, it just seems redundant when Batman fakes his death at the end.  The movie ends in a high note that has me begging for more.  Well, thank god there's The Dark Knight Strikes Again and let's hope they make it into a film as well.

Oh, and Michael Emerson as The Joker?  That's just creepily awesome!  It's always good to have a little bit of Benjamin Linus.


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