Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Many, many Wii U News: Super Smash, Zelda, Mario, and more

This morning Nintendo Direct releases tons of news on the upcoming games for Wii U.  Not only they let us know what games we should be expecting for this year, we also learn what's coming for this year's E3 conference.  Here is what to expect:

A new Zelda game!

The game, according to Nintendo, is going to be focusing on the HD aspect of the device, but with a new visual approach- we have no idea what that meant at this point.  While the game play is going to be be simpler, as returning to its roots.  As of now, we don't have many details of the game, and Nintendo is not ready to show us the game yet until E3.
As of now, we have no idea what the game is about.  And it seems like we have a long way to go.

Zelda: Wind Waker  HD remake!

Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, a game originally on Gamecube, is coming to Wii U this fall.  Nintendo states that this game is here to ease the players on the wait for the new Zelda game.  The remake will have a brand new, upgraded graphics, optional to play only on GamePad, and Miiverse integration.
The image up there shows the differences between Wii U graphic and GameCube graphic.  This is going to be an awesome upgrade.

New Smash Bros game, New 3D Mario game, and Wii U Mario Kart!
All three games mentioned above are going to have more news in the E3 conference this June.  I really can't wait for Smash Bros, and Nintendo promises to have the first look in E3.  As of now, they state that both Wii U and 3DS versions are on track.
A new 3D Mario game is coming to Wii U.  They say the game is an "action" game, and as of now no one knows what that means.
Last but not least, A new Mario Kart game is also announced for Wii U.  This is not a surprise to me at all because Nintendo always release a Mario Kart game for all of their systems.
And once again, no further information at this point.  Can't wait for E3 to come.

Fire Emblem crosses-over with Shin Megami Tensei!
A Wii U game that crosses both franchises!!!  The trailer above doesn't show much but it's exciting enough to see characters such as Marth from the first Fire Emblem game.  

Virtual Consoles coming to Wii U!   
I'm really not surprised at this one at all. 

I'm disappointed that Nintendo Direct doesn't have more news on Pikman 3.  Maybe more in the future.   

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