My Bloggers readers probably have noticed that I stop updating this site. Well, the thing is I have been taking care of 2 blogs at the same time, and I don't have time to do that anymore. I decided to only keep one blog and unfortunately, I decide to take care of my Wordpress Blog. I have better traffic at that blog, and have better communication with readers over there. Yep, you heard me right, I'm blaming you people.
Besides, we all know that Wordpress has a more professional interface anyway.
If you're still interested in my posts, please read my newest entries at:
Anyway, hope you have a good day, and lets get to know each other better over at the other site.
Or you can check me out on my new facebook page:
Friday, May 10, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Thursday Rants- One Piece: The Truth Behind Devil Fruits
Another chapter of One Piece, and it turns out that Luffy really wants the Flame-Flame Fruit. We also got a verbal explanation of what exactly happens to a Devil Fruit user after he died- even though any hardcore One Piece fan should know already.
Anyway, I want to talk about Devil Fruits today. Let's do this:
BioShock Infinity: Ultimate Songbird Edition Unboxing/Review
I got my BioShock Infinity: Ultimate Songbird Edition yesterday, and look how big the box is!
I play the game last night, and finish it in one sitting. But there's a different post for another day. This post is about the contains in the Ultimate Songbird Edition.
Comics Reviews 3-27-2013
Sorry guys, I just got my copy of Bioshock Infinite Ultimate Songbird Edition yesterday, and I'm really into it right now. Juggling with both works and BioShock, I forgot to read the comics this week, and I wasn't prepare for it. However, it doesn't mean I'm not going to do a comic review this week. I'm just going to do a short one.
Anyway, here's the cover of the week:
Anyway, here's the cover of the week:
It's funny to see the six of them got stranded on a broken little raft. I wonder what's going on here? Anyway, if Franky, Sanji and Robin don't come to rescue them soon, things will be bad for our heroes. There are 3 people here who couldn't swim at all.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
D-Arts Pokemon Venusaur
Like the previous figure, Bandai's D-Arts series is releasing Pokemon figure- Venusaur. The figure will comes with different articulation points fro Venusaur to do different poses. The figure is set to release in August, and will be 3,800 yen- about $40.
Venusaur is the final evolve form of Bulbasaur, who's also my favorite Pokemon. It's good to see Bandai's releasing these figures, and it's currently unknown if there will be more figures releasing in the future.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
My D&D Adventure part 7
It's been a while since the last adventure, but hey! I finally have the newest adventure ready.
For those we want to review what happened last time, check it out here.
Or continue reading in the next page:
For those we want to review what happened last time, check it out here.
Or continue reading in the next page:
Monday, March 25, 2013
Monday Rants- A Troubled Screenwriter
So it's a brand new week and I'm finally on Spring break. However, as a writer, instead of going out on vacation, I have to sit in front of the computer and use my free time to write more screenplays. The problem is: I can't seem to map out my story!
I already know what I want to write about- a TV series about people with superpowers, and it's going to be way better Heroes. The general plot line is already there, but I just need to establish the characters and go into more details of what each characters want.
Anyway, wish me luck and I'm going to go back to writing this screenplay. Wish me luck!
DC Collectibles Green Arrow Unboxing/Review
I got this the other day- DC Collectibles' New 52 Green Arrow! I'm not a Green Arrow fan per say, but I've been collecting the other New 52 figures from DC Collectibles already, so I figure why not?
The Walking Dead: "This Sorrowful Life" Review
Well, that was heart broken. Before I go any further with this week's review, I need point out that the show needs to stop having the trends of killing off characters that just had tremendous character moments. First T-Dog, then Axel and now... yeah...
Friday, March 22, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Thursday Rants- One Piece: The Toy People in Dressrosa
Yeah, there's a new chapter of One Piece this week! However, there isn't a lot to talk about in this chapter, so I decided to rant about the toy people in Dressrosa.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Review
When I first picked up a game from the Monster Hunter
franchise, I thought it would be like a Pokemon game but with really cool
I was so wrong.
Comics Reviews 3-20-2013
Sorry for the absent yesterday guys. It has been a hectic week, and it's difficult for me to update regularly. But now I'm back, and I have this week's comic reviews ready.
This week I will review comics from DC, Marvel and One Piece. First, Cover of the week:
A perfect cover that shows Nightwing's pain for Damian's death. Not to mention this issue is one of the few that actually deal with Damian's death, instead of just misleading. Onward with the reviews:
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Tuesday Rants- Too Many Video Games To Play!
It's another Tuesday, and it's another week of video game releases. This is also the most deadly month for me since I started this blog, because there're total of 6 video games I really want this month!
Play Arts Kai Arkham City Robin Unboxing Review
It was my birthday over the weekend, and my girlfriend bought me this sexy little piece. Let's review it.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Monday Rants- My Pokemon Problem
I just started playing Pokemon again! Well, not really playing but more like transferring. We all know that Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are coming out later this year and I just want to be ready for it.
The Walking Dead: "Prey" Review
For those of you who have been reading my reviews, you know my dislike of Andrea. You would be surprise to hear that for the first time ever, I'm actually rooting for Andrea.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Review
You wouldn't say that The Incredible Burt Wonderstone is a classic, but it does successfully entertain me in the 100 minutes of its run time.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Sleeping Dogs DLC- Year of the Snake Review
The newest DLC for Sleeping Dogs is out already. As a fan of the game, I was looking forward to the newest story DLC. We all know the previous weapon DLC was a disappointment, so I was hoping this will be good. I was wrong.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Thursday Rants- One Piece: Black Beard's Unique Body Type
There's no One Piece this week :( Let's hope Eiichiro Oda Sensei feels better soon.
Well, since we don't have new chapter this week, how about let's talk about a problem we have from a while back?
In a world where each person can only eat one Devil Fruit, how did Blackbeard get 2 Devil Fruit powers? I think the answer is hidden in his Jolly Roger.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Wednesday Rants- Time Paradoxes in Back to the Future
Back to the Future franchise. Not only it's the best movie trilogy in the history, it's also the best time travel movies ever. Heck, I've even written a time travel script because I was so inspired by the series. However, it doesn't mean the franchise is perfect. In fact, there are plenty of time travel paradoxes in this well-made time travel franchise.
Comics Reviews 3-13-2013
This week I will review comics from DC, Marvel and Image's The Walking Dead. First off, cover of the week:
The perfect cover to show the loneliness of Batman in Batman And Robin. I mean, can you get any sadder than having only Batman on a series titled Batman And Robin? Anyway, onward with the reviews:
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
The Walking Dead- Bloody Black & White Michonne and Pet Walkers Three-Pack
McFarlane Toys is releasing Bloody Black and White Michonne and Pet Walkers pack by the end of this month.
Tuesday Rants- Things I Noticed From DC June 2013 Solicitations
DC just released their June 2013 solicitations. And again, there are somethings I noticed from this solicitations:
Monday, March 11, 2013
Monday Rants- Pokemon Adventure
Pokemon Adventure, or Pokemon Special in Japan is an on-going manga series published by Shogakukan. This series is considered the flagship title among all the Pokemon manga series due to its faithfulness to the video game series. Even Pokemon creator Satoshi Tajiri states that the the comic is most resemble to the world he was trying to convey. I feel the same way too, and this is easily the only Pokemon media I like.
The Walking Dead: "Arrow on the Doorpost" Reviews
For a episode that doesn't have a lot going on, "Arrow on the Doorpost" is an intense episode. We finally have the meeting between Rick and The Governor, and it was one that sets tons of things to come.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Oz the Great and Powerful Review
Oz is a great movie. I say this because when I first enter the theater, I didn't expect I will like the film at all. Don't get me wrong though, I've always been a fan of Sam Raimi, but I just don't think this re-imagined of Oz would be any good. I was wrong.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Friday Rants- Sick
Hello guys, I'm actually not feeling too well today, so the Friday Rants is going to take a break. See ya next week.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Thursday Rants- One Piece: Who's Fujitora?
Last week's One Piece chapter 700 introduces us to a new character- Fujitora. Apparently, Fujitora is a Marine officer strong enough for Sakazuki to trust him to take care of the Law and Luffy alliance.
So who the heck is this Fujitora? From past experiences and hints on the name, this Fujitora guy is most likely the newest Admiral.
![]() |
Sakazuki sending Fujitora to take care of business |
Comics Reviews 3-06-2013
One Piece Figuarts Zero Film Z Nami (8 year-old ver.) & Kuzan
Bandai S.H. Figuarts- Red Ranger & Green Ranger
Bandai's S.H. Figuarts line is releasing Red Ranger and Green Ranger from the classic TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Wednesday Rants: The Bathtub scene from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie
Remember in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie from 1990? I just watched that movie again over the weekend and I really love the movie. However, I notice something about the movie that bugs me...
One Piece Portrait Of Pirates Neo-DX Red-Haired Shanks
MegaHouse is releasing a new figure for the Portrait of Pirates series! The flagship toy for One Piece is releasing Shanks again as part of the NEO-DX line.
Tomb Raider Gameplay Review
Run Lara Run! The reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise is here and it brings us a brand-new and better version of Lara Croft. I never play the previous versions of Tomb Raider before, and I'm glad that's the case. Otherwise, my first experience of the franchise would never be this top-notch game, but some soon forgotten history.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Tuesday Rants- Video Game Release Dates
Why are all the games released today? Now I have to play Tomb Raider, SimsCity and Sims University Life and review them? Where am I going to find the time?
A short rant cause I'm playing Tomb Raider right now. See y'all tomorrow :D
A short rant cause I'm playing Tomb Raider right now. See y'all tomorrow :D
Tomb Raider Collector's Edition Unboxing
I just received my copy in the mail!!! And I want to do a quick unboxing before I play the game. So here we go--
One Piece Super Styling: Smokers Chambers & Tashigi Chambers Set
Bandai's Super Styling is releasing a set of special, limited edition figures- Smoker Chambers & Tashigi Chambers.
One Piece Super Styling: Punk Hazard
Bandai's famous One Piece figures series- One Piece Super Styling is releasing figures based on the Punk Hazard saga this May.
Monday, March 4, 2013
100 Posts!!! New series- Daily Geek Rants!
100 posts already and it only takes me about 2 months! That's how dedicated I am to this blog, and how much I love my readers. To celebrate the event, I decide to start a new category/series called Daily Geek Rants. Ever Monday to Friday, I will blog about a geeky topic where I will just ramble on with my thoughts about said topic.
For the first topic, I'm gonna rant about Case Closed/Detective Conan! One of my favorite manga series as a young boy.
For the first topic, I'm gonna rant about Case Closed/Detective Conan! One of my favorite manga series as a young boy.
Trinity of Sins: Pandora
I think the biggest news out of ECCC is DC is planning on releasing Pandora's on-going series: Trinity of Sins: Pandora this June. Pandora, as we know it, is responsible for the entire New 52 universe when she merge DC, Vertigo and Wildstorm universes into one back in 2011. It's interesting to see what kind of story Pandora can bring as an on-going series. That leaves only Question left in the Trinity of Sins without an on-going series. The other one is Phantom Stranger.
There's still two series left for June, as we know that DC cancelled six titles in May. Other than this series, DC already announced Larfleeze, Batman/Superman and Scott Snyder/Jim Lee's untitled Superman series.
The Walking Dead: "Clear" Reviews
"Clear" is a simple episode. With the fewest cast members appear in an episode (only 4), "Clear" is very similar to "18 Miles Out" from the previous season. And like "18 Miles Out," this is one of the strongest episode of the season.
Morgan makes a return in this episode. He might not be an important character, but he's one of the most remarkable character in the series, being the first person Rick encountered in the zombie world and the person Rick promises to go back to. It's sad to see that Morgan is broken down and essentially a psychopath from Dead Rising. I read the comic series, and knew that Morgan joins the group. So when I first learn that Morgan is going to make an appearance in season 3, I was hoping that Rick will ask Morgan to join his group as well. That idea soon died away when I see how fuck-up Morgan became in the TV series and I pray to god that Rick never ask him to come with him. If anything, thank god Morgan has enough senses left to say no. Damn, it would be a whole kind of different adventure if Morgan really comes along with the group. While one man lost everything, the other only lost so little compare to it. It's very sad how Duane died in the TV series, and it was nothing like this in the comic. To see your own son being eaten by your zombie wife is understandable why Morgan turn out the way he did.
If anything, Rick's entire encounter with Morgan should be enough of a wake-up call for him. Morgan is what Rick will become if Rick continues to dwell in sorrow, and Rick knows it. This seems like the end of Rick's crazy, and hopefully it stays that way. It's a great touch having Michonne telling Rick that she's been seeing her dead boyfriend as well. Not only it helps Rick with his problem, it also brings the classic Michonne from the comic to the series.
Michonne is once again wonderful in this episode. If anything, she's getting better and closer to her awesome comic book counterpart as episodes progress. There are many moments in this episodes I just love about Michonne. She's eating Morgan's food and makes that little comment about "Welcome" on the mat. She desperately wants to help Carl just shows how much she cares, and how she's a character full of heart. Finally, that little moment where she picks up that strange looking cat thing and calls it "gorgeous." Carl's "are you serious " face was priceless as well. With the way the writers have been writing about Michonne, she is pretty much the same lovable character from the comic series already. For that, I thank you writers.
Carl is the hero of the episode. The whole time his agenda to bring pictures of their mother to his baby sister is just touching. He's no longer that old Carl who gets everyone in trouble, but a warrior who can stand his own ground. While he does have the problem of doing things by himself, I think he learns the lesson in this episode that it's okay to ask people for help every once in a while. I especially enjoy the scene where he basically apologizes to Morgan for shooting him, and Morgan tells him don't be sorry. For a moment there I though Morgan was going to slap Carl... Anyway, I really like Carl and I'm glad to see him turning into such a wonderful character. Best child character in TV!
By the way, what's up with those GIANT rats Carl uses to lure walkers away. Shit, are all rodents in the south that big? That's the most disgusting I've seen in this show, and I seen a fat walker broken apart in a well before.
And how about that poor hitchhiker? I understand that it's not the safe thing to do anymore to invite strangers into your group, but poor guy. While it might be cold blooded, the guy was kind of annoying with his persistence. It's the end of the world, for god's sake, no one is entitled to help anyone in this world. The final scene where the guy is completely devoured and our heroes picking up his backpack is kind of cool, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, why wasting completely good supplies?
Another strong episode for the wonderful series. It's episode like this that shows how Walking Dead is not a show about killing and blood, but people and character.
Score: 9.5/10
Friday, March 1, 2013
Assassin's Greed IV: Black Flag announced
I'm always interested in the franchise, but I never really enjoyed the game. The story is too bizarre with a man rediscovering his ancestors with a machine. I don't see how it's interesting that the game took place in a virtual memory, and the main character is simulating it. I'm a story guy, and they story just don't sell to me. However, when I heard that Assassin's Creed 3 takes place during American Revolutionary War and that's such an interesting time, I always wanted to pick up the game but never had a chance.
Now I have more chances to get the game! Assassin's Creed IV got announced and this time it is going to take place during pirate time, and as an One Piece fan, that's better than the American Revolutionary War. The main character is rumored to be Edward Kenway, and he's going to be grandfather of Assassin's Creed's 3's Connor.
Also, the box arts are shown as well:
As you can see, the PS 3 version comes with 60 minutes of "exclusive" gameplay. Lucky I got a PS 3, huh? What the excessive gameplay is unknown of now, but I'm pretty sure both XBox and Wii U players will be then content later as DLC. There're going to more news about the game on March 4th, so I will blog about it when time comes.
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