Rockstar has announced that Grand Theft Auto V is going to be on Xbox 360 and PS3 on September 17th. The game was originally announced for a Spring release, but Rockstar delays the release date so they can polish the game even more. Meanwhile...
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Grand Theft Auto V, Madden 14 Get Release Date
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Pt. 2
Every since I watched the first Dark Knight Returns movie, I am looking forward to the sequel like a fat kid waiting for his dinner. And when the dinner finally arrives, it did not disappoint. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 is one of the best comic turns animation movie I have ever seen.
The movie continues from where the first movie left off. It's a few months later and Batman is back on the street with his new Robin- Carrie Kelly. Now Batman faces problems from different places include the new commissioner wanting to arrest Batman, The Joker coming back to face Batman one last time, and the president asking Superman to take down Batman. There are a lot of story to tell here, and the film is really compressed. However, it is not rushed at all. As a person who read Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns comic beforehand, I feel the movie is a faithful portrayal of the comic, while it retains the fun of watching a film.
The highlight has to be when The Joker starting to make his moves. The crazy clown prince just want to prove himself one last time, just want to show that Batman can kill. And he did. An older Batman can do things he cannot do before. He learned his lessons the hard way and he is not going to let The Joker no around free again. Even though Batman still doesn't kill Joker, but he comes really far, the farthest he has ever come before. This really shows a different color in Batman and I really enjoy it.
Even though I know Frank Miller comes up with the idea first, but after watching The Dark Knight Rises, it just seems redundant when Batman fakes his death at the end. The movie ends in a high note that has me begging for more. Well, thank god there's The Dark Knight Strikes Again and let's hope they make it into a film as well.
Oh, and Michael Emerson as The Joker? That's just creepily awesome! It's always good to have a little bit of Benjamin Linus.
Hyrule Historia Reviews
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia is a perfect love letter from Nintendo to Link. I'm always a fan of Legend of Zelda- actually, a fan would be a lie. I never once have an opportunity to finish a Zelda game completely and for that I feel ashamed of myself. However, this wonderful book has once again brings me my love for Legend of Zelda. With Hyrule Historia, not only old fans can reminisce all the classic and new games, new fans can be easily suck into the magical, and beautiful world of Legend of Zelda.
The moment I pick up the book, I know that this is going to be a big deal. I ordered this book through Amazon, and when I picked it up at my front door the weight instantly awe me. The sleek, green hardcover, the color pages with high-end papers, the book scares me to even touch it. It is almost a steal consider I pre-ordered it on Amazon back in August last year, and I only have to pay 20 bucks.
There are four parts in this book. The first, "Legend Begins" is a section all about the latest, but chronologically the first game- Skyward Sword. The second, "The History of Hyrule," is a chronological history of all the Zelda games so far. Third, "Creative Footprints," is sketches and designs of all the Zelda games. The last part is a prequel comic to Skyward Sword.
I haven't play Skyward Sword yet- I bought it for my roommate for his birthday last year, but I never play the game myself. So, I can't say too much for the first section, which is ALL about Skyward Sword. My favorite section has two be "The History of Hyrule." My favorite thing about video game franchises has always been the story and history. And one of the reason I can never fully enjoy The Legend of Zelda series is because the complicated history- but not anymore. With this Hyrule Historia, Nintendo finally reveals the official timeline and answers that with Ocarina of Time, the timeline splits into three. While still confusing, but it's understandable. I'm thinking about going into detail of the timelines in a different entry when I read through the book thoroughly.
The "Creative Footprints" shows different sketches and designs from the artists. Normally I don't really understand these sketches things, but I can still feel the power as I read through the section. I especially love the sections when they go into details with the weapons and how they functions. I, myself, while not a big fan of sketches, am a big fan of mechanical designs. After "Creative Footprints," there is a small section for game catalog. This sections shows the games in their release orders and it comes with different box arts for the fans to understand better. I really enjoy this section as it helps me guess what the creative team were going through back in the days. I haven't have a chance to read the comic yet. Maybe I will post my thoughts later when I'm finished.
At the end, if you're a Zelda fan, Hyrule Historia is a must buy for you. However, if you are like me, who are always interested in Legend of Zelda series, but not really a fan, the book is a must buy as well. It teaches you everything you need to know about the series, and at the end you're guaranteed to be a fan. Besides, who can resist that new book smell?
My Score: 9.7/10
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
BUZZFEED gives April DC comic WTF Certified!
Remember when I post DC's April solicitations, I stated that there are going to be fold-out covers for every single issues? Today BUZZFEED calls this month the WTF Certified month and promise they are going to shock the readers in every issues this month. Also, DC release 7 statements to tease this month:
• Booster Gold reappears while an entire team disappears
• One team is trapped in a bottle while another is changed completely
• Some heroes change their colors and other change allegiances
• Pandora battles to the death
• A close encounter of The Dark Knight kind
• There's a new, old Creeper and some old New Gods.
• One hero quits, and another hero dies
• One team is trapped in a bottle while another is changed completely
• Some heroes change their colors and other change allegiances
• Pandora battles to the death
• A close encounter of The Dark Knight kind
• There's a new, old Creeper and some old New Gods.
• One hero quits, and another hero dies
Can you guess which books they are talking about here?
Comics Reviews 1-30-2013
I review comic books every week! This week I review comics from DC, Marvel, and Shonen Jump's One Piece , in alphabetical order.
Once again, I noticed all the Arrow banner on top of DC issues. It's getting really annoying...
This is a fun issue. It has mysteries, Aquaman trying to help his friends, and it also has shocking revelations. My favorite moment has to be when the heroes called upon by Cyborg from Justice League issue 16 come to the rescue. While the heroes might be defeated by Orm, there is a glimpse of a small superhero- can this be Atom? To me, this really is the highlight of the issue. I also enjoy reading Cyborg's inner desire while he is down under. It really strengthen this character especially cause this character doesn't have his own series. However, this is still one of the slowest issue. Aquaman's rescue mission drags on, and it makes me don't care about it anymore. The ending is a shocking one, but it doesn't mean is hard to see it coming. Overall, I give this issue a--
8.8 justice-league-members/10
Just like the Aquaman issue, this issue of Batman Inc. slows down as well. I guess it is tough catch up with a death of a member from last week, huh? Anyway, Talia al Ghul's evil plan continues in this issue where the entire Batman family is put in danger. While Batman himself is lock in a safe and thrown to the bottom of the pool, the other Batman members are under all kinds of attack. The best part is when a school bus full of kids are attacking Commissionaire Gordon and Nightwing- they can't fight back because they're kids! Now the entire Batman Family is in danger, and everything is up to Damian to rescue. Can't wait to read the issue next week to see how things turn out.
Once again, I noticed all the Arrow banner on top of DC issues. It's getting really annoying...
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Aquaman issue 16 |
8.8 justice-league-members/10
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Batman Incorporated issue 7 |
8.6 Damian-to-the-rescue/10
This is far my favorite Batman and Robin issue. Damian puts Batman on a trip around the world to re-discover his family past, while he himself stays in Gotham to fight crime? That's just too cute. Not to mention that he puts on his future Batman costume. It is really cute to see him in that outfit as a little kid. Okay, so after reading this issue, I further believe that Alfred is going to die. This issue also reveals a lot of things about Alfred, and I think that's so we can have one final goodbye to Alfred. Call me crazy, but that's just how I read this issue.
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Batman and Robin Annual #1 |
8.8 cute-little-Damian/10
Damn, when will this horrible series gets better? And when will I learn my lesson and stop buying it? I guess I just have a soft spot for Batman... and Superman huh? More on that later.
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Batman: The Dark Knight issue 16 |
Anyway, the only part I like about this issue is when Mad Hatter is properly introduced. This version of Mad Hatter is has creepy as ever, and I really enjoy seeing him causing havoc in Gotham city. So if anything, I guess I will pick up the next issue just because I want to see Mad Hatter running around.
5.5 dame-you-Batman/10
This is also a very weak issue as well. If something cool doesn't happen soon, I am going to stop buying this series as well. The Flash tags into the Speed Force again, but I don't understand how this is supposed to an answer to defeat Grodd. The first date between Barry Allen and Iris West was interesting. I always want this two to be together like how things was before New 52, and it seems like the possibility is there once again. The thing the bug me the most this issue is when an Asian in the tank pulls a race card, and someone else called on him pulling the race card. For some reason, it just bug me a lot these days when people pulling the race care,and it especially bug me when someone else called one it. Jeez people, leave that shit alone already, will you?
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The Flash issue 16 |
I also heard a rumor that Reverse-Flash is going to the DC world soon. Hopefully that will happen soon.
6.2 come-back-soon-Reverse-Flash/10
The conclusion of Rise of the Third Army is a rush one, but it is also a good one. The lanterns take down the Guardians, while Baz and B'dg try to find Hal Jordan- can the story be any simpler? Now the entire run of Rise of the Third Army ended, I really have to say that the Third Army doesn't do a lot in this event, huh? I mean, they're supposed to the threat right? How come I didn't see a lot of them in this event? The threat comes and the treat goes. Everything was resolved easily as Kyle Rayner, the White Lantern comes to save the day. The Guardians grow desperate and seek help from the legendary First Lantern. This is when things go wrong and the event is going to the Wrath of the First Lantern event. The story goes by really fast, but it does set out to a promising new event. Meanwhile, all I really care is what happened to Hal Jordan and Sinestro.
7.8 Lanterns/10
I'm really enjoying this issue. When Doomsday shows up out of nowhere, I already expected that it has something to do with Lois Lane. I just didn't expect that Lois Lane IS Doomsday. While the story is as predictable as before, it still brings me chills down my spine. At the end of the issue, Metropolis is blown to pieces, and Lois Lane is killed by Superman himself, I really can't wait to see what Superman is going to do now. Is this where he's going to go rogue? I know I would if I was him.
8.5 end-of-the-world/10
Poor Deadman. He just came to live, and he is killed right away. Through Constantine, we are confirmed with what happened to our heroes- they all lost their magical characteristic. And this also answers why Frankenstein isn't affected by any of the magic of this because he is not a product of magic, but science. On Zatanna's side we also learn the history of this dimension. In some ways this is really an informative issue. Now my biggest problem is what happens to Orchid and Deadman? Especially Deadman cause it seems like he was completely destroyed. I hope nothing happens to him.
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Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 |
7.8 Lanterns/10
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Injustice: Gods Among Us issue 3 |
8.5 end-of-the-world/10
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Justice League Dark issue 16 |
8.8 old-Xanadu/10
"What the heck is wrong with me keeping reading this series?" I ask myself. I really don't understand what going on with this issue, and it's not the good kind of don't understand like Comeback, but the bad kind of don't understand. I mean, what's wrong? This series started off so strong and promising, and now it just really bad. The dad from was killed last issue, and now he is time traveling to get back to his family? I don't understand what's going on here. Even though I'm most likely going to re-read the entire series when the final issue is out next month, but I don't think I will ever understand what's going on, and I don't think I will ever care anymore.
2 what-the-fuck/10
"Deal" is once again the aftermath chapter that leads to what's going to happen next. And just like every other aftermath chapters, it reveals more than we expected. It turns out that Kaido is not human at all as Law calls him the strongest creature. I wonder what Kaido is then... Law also states that it is only 30% chance that they are going to win with the alliance. Well, he is not one of the Yonko for nothing, you know. The rest of the chapter is kind of boring having the marines saying goodbye and pretending to hate the Straw Hat Pirates. But seriously, what the heck, Smoker? Can you be anymore out of character? I thought its always your goal to capture the Straw Hats, so just do it already! The highlight is the deal between Law and Doflamingo at the end. Will Doflamingo step down of being Shichibukai to save his crew members? We shall find out next week.
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Lot 13 issue 4 |
2 what-the-fuck/10
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One Piece Chapter 697 |
8.5 Smoker-get-them/10
This is an annoying issue. Peter Parker following Doc Ock around and keeps on making comments is just making the panels crowded and distracting. It is kind of funny watching Doc Ock trying to score with Mary Jane. While it is disturbing, Doc Ock's failure is just hilarious. It is good that the ending result of Doc Ock's desperateness has nothing to do with the cover. I guess Marvel also noticing that it is disturbing if Doc Ock's kisses MJ. Because that's called rape, my friend. Well, as I said before, it doesn't seem that Marvel is going to keep this Doc Ock/Spider-Man too long. It's only a matter of time when Peter Parker returns to his body.
6.8 Doc-Ock-doesn't-kiss-MJ/10
Just like Batman: The Dark Knight, why do I even bother with this series? The answer is because its the flagship Superman title. This really is one of the worst title that is still on my pull list. I feel like a lot of people have the same feelings as me, and the only reason they're continuously buying this series is the same as me- it's Superman. The story is weak, I don't understand what's going on, and I really hate it when Supergirl kisses H'el. I can't wait for this event to be over so I can read the new story, or hurry up to the time travel story so we can see what happened in issue 0 from this perspective. In fact, I can't wait for the untitled Superman series that's coming in a few months. Hopefully that can redeem the entire Superman line.
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Superior Spider-Man issue 2 |
6.8 Doc-Ock-doesn't-kiss-MJ/10
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Superman issue 16 |
4.5 Superman-sucks/10
Apple is releasing 128 GB iPad!
WHY????? I just bought myself a 64 GB iPad less than a month ago, and Apple is already releasing 128 GB iPad this February 5th.
This iPad has the exact same interior as the 4th generation iPad. This means that it has 9.7 inch Retina display, A6X chip, FaceTime HD camera and iOS 6.1 and more. This iPad will come with standard black or white, and will have retail price of $799 for Wi-Fi model and $929 for 4G model.
That's my luck, huh? I originally have a 32 GB model, and the only reason I got a 64 GB was because I ran out of space in my original model. Now I have the 64 model, and I only have about 15 GB left, I can really use the 128 GB model. Maybe I will get one in a year or so- we shall see.
What do you think about the new capacity model? Do you need that many space?
This iPad has the exact same interior as the 4th generation iPad. This means that it has 9.7 inch Retina display, A6X chip, FaceTime HD camera and iOS 6.1 and more. This iPad will come with standard black or white, and will have retail price of $799 for Wi-Fi model and $929 for 4G model.
That's my luck, huh? I originally have a 32 GB model, and the only reason I got a 64 GB was because I ran out of space in my original model. Now I have the 64 model, and I only have about 15 GB left, I can really use the 128 GB model. Maybe I will get one in a year or so- we shall see.
What do you think about the new capacity model? Do you need that many space?
TMNT classics Bebop and Rocksteady figures revealed
MTV geeks has the first look of the upcoming Bebop and Rocksteady figures for the Classic figures series. I already have the first line of classic figures, and I'm really looking forward to these two figures. For all you TMNT fans out there.
By the way, New York Toy Fair is next week, maybe there will be more news then.
By the way, New York Toy Fair is next week, maybe there will be more news then.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Game of Thrones POP! series 2
Funko announced that they are releasing the second wave of Game of Thrones POP! figures. This series comes with Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Jamie, Cersei Lannister and Renly Baratheon. The release date for these figures is unknown as of now, but they're set for sometime this year.
Also can't wait for the show to return this March 31st.
Also can't wait for the show to return this March 31st.
One Piece Figuarts Zero Trafalgar Law (2 year ver.) and Caesar Clown
The official website Tamashii just announced the upcoming Figuarts Zero figures Trafalgar Law (2 year ver.) and Caesar Clown. These figures are set to release in May this year.
I think the biggest thing we all notice is the fact that you can take off Law's hat!!!!! That automatically makes this figure wayyyyyy better than the P.O.P version. And it's always cool to see a figure of a new character.
Friday, January 25, 2013
My D&D Adventure part 2
Continued from here.
Derk wakes up and finds himself in a village. The same village where his family is- he's back somehow. He looks around but sees no one; the village is bizarrely quite. He walks up to his house and enters the unlocked door. He is scared.
The house is a mess, and he can't see his wife or kids. He stumbles around and sees the kids' bedroom door opens. He peeks in but doesn't see anything. He then turns to the master bedroom. He tries the door, but it is locked. He tries to bounce the door open, but it won't budge. He decides to go outside and peer through the window, but he sees nothing. He then suddenly hears crying sounds from inside the house, so he rushes back in the house just to see that the kids' bedroom door is now closed. He successfully breaks it open this time just to see a Grim Reaper figure jumps out to him. Derk begins to fight the figure, but nothing happens- his attacks go right through. He decides to start a fire, but just to have his own house burning down. Derk decides to escape his house, and sees a giant oak tree that wasn't there before. He sees three charred bodies hanging on the branches. He walks up to it, afraid of the realization....
Derk wakes up and finds himself sleeping at the bar. He's drunk again, and he rushes out to puke at the horse trough. Tonto looks at him with disgust. Near walks up to Derk and wonders what the heck is going on, just to have Derk to puke all over him. Near gets mad and punches Derk straight in the face. The two got into a small fight where the villagers gather and watch. The bartender comes out and stops the fight. Derk wants to go back to the boat, and he rides off with Tonto.
Near goes around the village gather gears. He got himself a crossbow and some bolts. He visits the infirmary- it turns out Joshua the owl is in care by the villagers right now. The note on its leg in written in some ancient language that the librarian is trying to decipher. The vet tells Near that he can go get some herb growing right outside the village and it can ease Joshua's pain. Near decides to take Alfredo with him to go find this herb. He originally asked Vespa for help as well, but she wants to back to the dock with the rest of her crew members.
The mission to get the herb is an easy one. Other than the pain killers, Near also found couple of poisons and some mind herbs. He brings the pain killers back to the bet, and the vet reveals that the Joshua was covering in ashes, and the ashes in from a certain volcano region 4 days away from the village. Near thinks the possibility that the villagers are there is really high, but 4 days are too far. The vet tells him it would be faster if they have a boat. Near and Alfredo decide to go ask Derk and his crew members for help again.
Meanwhile on the boat, Gullas tells Derk that they need to do some of their pirating business. While the villagers are nice and all, but they are not making any money. They need to leave the village by the end of the day if anything. Derk suggests they should rob the merchant ship that been dock by the coast for the past few days. Gullas thinks about it and thinks it might be a good idea, but if they don't find a thing, they still have to leave tonight. Derk's fine with it and he's going to find some whatever for the preparation. He leaves the captain's quarter just to see Vespa returns. He tries to flirt with her, but fail miserably again. He goes down below the deck and looks for some gears. He finds some dynamites and some suspicious letter to Gullas- the letter that states Gullas made some mistakes. Derk doesn't know what to do, so he decides to keep the letter meanwhile. He hears noises coming aboard, so he decides to go take a look.
Near and Alfredo arrive the boat. Derk is angry to see Near, but Near states he's only here to talk to Gullas. Near enters the captain quarter and asks Gullas for help. Gullas agrees to help out, but he wants Near to have them with the robbery first. Near reluctantly agrees. Gullas wants Near to go on the row boat for sneak attack with Derk. Near tells Gullas his problem with Derk, and doesn't think it is a good idea. After some consideration, Gullas thinks it's better if Vespa go with Gullas instead.
Night time, Derk and Vespa row towards the merchant ship while everyone else approach slowly with the pirate ship. On the row boat, Derk decides to come clean with Vespa what he found about Gullas. He also shows Vespa the amulet he found in this previous episode. This is when he notices that the amulet is glowing with red light. He has no idea what this means, and Vespa says that she seems something like this before, but she's not sure what this is either. Back on the pirate ship, Near asks if Gullas has any fire power. Argo takes Near below the deck and shows the the catapult. He asks if Near wants to operate, but Near thinks Argo should just do it instead. He goes upstairs to get ready for the strike.
The row boat makes it to the merchant ship. Derk hoists himself up to the ship while Vespa stays guard on the row boat. The merchant ship is scary quiet, and no one can be seen in at all. Derk decides to go below the deck and searches. Derk comes to a dark hallway and sees many rooms. He lights up a lantern and begins to search for loots. Instead, Derk finds many charred up bodies. Derk freaks out and when he is about to turn around he comes with an UNKNOWN figure. The figure knocks the lantern out of Derk's hand.
Back on the pirate ship, Near notices something is wrong with Vespa. She begins to climb on the ship and Near tells everyone to get closer. Back in the dark hallway, Derk can't see a thing. He begins to slashes around like crazy, but nothing was hit. He feels the figure leaving the room so he decides to go after with the amulet as the only light source. On the deck, Near, Alfredo and Leo just jumped over, and they are looking for Vespa. They meet up and decide to go below the deck to look for Derk. They go downstairs and the two parties meet up, but not without one side almost killing another. Suddenly, Gullas lets out the warning sound from the ship. While everyone else wanna go, Derk wants to explore the boat more. Alfredo notices smokes coming from above and he thinks they should go. But Derk insists on searching the place a little more. Near gets angry and pushes Derk with his telekinesis power. This just angers Derk even more. After a small argument, they hurry through the rooms trying to find something. Derk finds some letters that has similar threat to Gullas's letter from earlier. He has no idea what this means and decides to pocket it first. That's it for the rooms, and the gang heads back upstairs.
The deck is covering in flames, and they can see the pirate ship sailing away from them. They run to the edge of the boat and jump on to the row boat. Everyone lands successfully, but Vespa twists her ankle. Near gives her some pain herb, while the others row away from the burning merchant ship. They close up to the pirate ship and find something shocking- the pirate ship is on fire as well! They scream for Gullas and Argo, but no replay. Derk sees the figure that was on the merchant ship on the pirate ship now, and everything it touches quickly turns to flame. Near decides to enter the ship to find out Gullas and Argo. Derk wants to tag along too. The two enter the ship through the catapult hole. They enter the ship but doesn't see anything. The flames burn lively, and it's becoming more and more dangerous by the seconds. Derk wants to go check the captain's quarter even though Near thinks it is too dangerous. The two come across the captain's quarter but the handle is burning hot. The two give each other a look then Near tries to open the door with his telekinesis. The door opens and they see a charred up body inside. Before they can make out who that is, backdraft happens and knocks Derk into the room across, and Near down the hallway. Near, badly injured, crawls down back to the catapult hole. He falls through the hole and caught by Alfredo and Leo. They wonder what happened to Derk.
Inside the room, Derk wants to escape through the window but it is too small. He puts dynamite on the window and it blows into a perfect hole for Derk to escape through. Derk jumps out the hole and lands in the water. He grabs a piece a wood and floats on. The row boat team finds Derk floating around and rescues him. The pirate ship slowly sinks away...
To be continued...
Derk wakes up and finds himself in a village. The same village where his family is- he's back somehow. He looks around but sees no one; the village is bizarrely quite. He walks up to his house and enters the unlocked door. He is scared.
The house is a mess, and he can't see his wife or kids. He stumbles around and sees the kids' bedroom door opens. He peeks in but doesn't see anything. He then turns to the master bedroom. He tries the door, but it is locked. He tries to bounce the door open, but it won't budge. He decides to go outside and peer through the window, but he sees nothing. He then suddenly hears crying sounds from inside the house, so he rushes back in the house just to see that the kids' bedroom door is now closed. He successfully breaks it open this time just to see a Grim Reaper figure jumps out to him. Derk begins to fight the figure, but nothing happens- his attacks go right through. He decides to start a fire, but just to have his own house burning down. Derk decides to escape his house, and sees a giant oak tree that wasn't there before. He sees three charred bodies hanging on the branches. He walks up to it, afraid of the realization....
Derk wakes up and finds himself sleeping at the bar. He's drunk again, and he rushes out to puke at the horse trough. Tonto looks at him with disgust. Near walks up to Derk and wonders what the heck is going on, just to have Derk to puke all over him. Near gets mad and punches Derk straight in the face. The two got into a small fight where the villagers gather and watch. The bartender comes out and stops the fight. Derk wants to go back to the boat, and he rides off with Tonto.
Near goes around the village gather gears. He got himself a crossbow and some bolts. He visits the infirmary- it turns out Joshua the owl is in care by the villagers right now. The note on its leg in written in some ancient language that the librarian is trying to decipher. The vet tells Near that he can go get some herb growing right outside the village and it can ease Joshua's pain. Near decides to take Alfredo with him to go find this herb. He originally asked Vespa for help as well, but she wants to back to the dock with the rest of her crew members.
The mission to get the herb is an easy one. Other than the pain killers, Near also found couple of poisons and some mind herbs. He brings the pain killers back to the bet, and the vet reveals that the Joshua was covering in ashes, and the ashes in from a certain volcano region 4 days away from the village. Near thinks the possibility that the villagers are there is really high, but 4 days are too far. The vet tells him it would be faster if they have a boat. Near and Alfredo decide to go ask Derk and his crew members for help again.
Meanwhile on the boat, Gullas tells Derk that they need to do some of their pirating business. While the villagers are nice and all, but they are not making any money. They need to leave the village by the end of the day if anything. Derk suggests they should rob the merchant ship that been dock by the coast for the past few days. Gullas thinks about it and thinks it might be a good idea, but if they don't find a thing, they still have to leave tonight. Derk's fine with it and he's going to find some whatever for the preparation. He leaves the captain's quarter just to see Vespa returns. He tries to flirt with her, but fail miserably again. He goes down below the deck and looks for some gears. He finds some dynamites and some suspicious letter to Gullas- the letter that states Gullas made some mistakes. Derk doesn't know what to do, so he decides to keep the letter meanwhile. He hears noises coming aboard, so he decides to go take a look.
Near and Alfredo arrive the boat. Derk is angry to see Near, but Near states he's only here to talk to Gullas. Near enters the captain quarter and asks Gullas for help. Gullas agrees to help out, but he wants Near to have them with the robbery first. Near reluctantly agrees. Gullas wants Near to go on the row boat for sneak attack with Derk. Near tells Gullas his problem with Derk, and doesn't think it is a good idea. After some consideration, Gullas thinks it's better if Vespa go with Gullas instead.
Night time, Derk and Vespa row towards the merchant ship while everyone else approach slowly with the pirate ship. On the row boat, Derk decides to come clean with Vespa what he found about Gullas. He also shows Vespa the amulet he found in this previous episode. This is when he notices that the amulet is glowing with red light. He has no idea what this means, and Vespa says that she seems something like this before, but she's not sure what this is either. Back on the pirate ship, Near asks if Gullas has any fire power. Argo takes Near below the deck and shows the the catapult. He asks if Near wants to operate, but Near thinks Argo should just do it instead. He goes upstairs to get ready for the strike.
The row boat makes it to the merchant ship. Derk hoists himself up to the ship while Vespa stays guard on the row boat. The merchant ship is scary quiet, and no one can be seen in at all. Derk decides to go below the deck and searches. Derk comes to a dark hallway and sees many rooms. He lights up a lantern and begins to search for loots. Instead, Derk finds many charred up bodies. Derk freaks out and when he is about to turn around he comes with an UNKNOWN figure. The figure knocks the lantern out of Derk's hand.
Back on the pirate ship, Near notices something is wrong with Vespa. She begins to climb on the ship and Near tells everyone to get closer. Back in the dark hallway, Derk can't see a thing. He begins to slashes around like crazy, but nothing was hit. He feels the figure leaving the room so he decides to go after with the amulet as the only light source. On the deck, Near, Alfredo and Leo just jumped over, and they are looking for Vespa. They meet up and decide to go below the deck to look for Derk. They go downstairs and the two parties meet up, but not without one side almost killing another. Suddenly, Gullas lets out the warning sound from the ship. While everyone else wanna go, Derk wants to explore the boat more. Alfredo notices smokes coming from above and he thinks they should go. But Derk insists on searching the place a little more. Near gets angry and pushes Derk with his telekinesis power. This just angers Derk even more. After a small argument, they hurry through the rooms trying to find something. Derk finds some letters that has similar threat to Gullas's letter from earlier. He has no idea what this means and decides to pocket it first. That's it for the rooms, and the gang heads back upstairs.
The deck is covering in flames, and they can see the pirate ship sailing away from them. They run to the edge of the boat and jump on to the row boat. Everyone lands successfully, but Vespa twists her ankle. Near gives her some pain herb, while the others row away from the burning merchant ship. They close up to the pirate ship and find something shocking- the pirate ship is on fire as well! They scream for Gullas and Argo, but no replay. Derk sees the figure that was on the merchant ship on the pirate ship now, and everything it touches quickly turns to flame. Near decides to enter the ship to find out Gullas and Argo. Derk wants to tag along too. The two enter the ship through the catapult hole. They enter the ship but doesn't see anything. The flames burn lively, and it's becoming more and more dangerous by the seconds. Derk wants to go check the captain's quarter even though Near thinks it is too dangerous. The two come across the captain's quarter but the handle is burning hot. The two give each other a look then Near tries to open the door with his telekinesis. The door opens and they see a charred up body inside. Before they can make out who that is, backdraft happens and knocks Derk into the room across, and Near down the hallway. Near, badly injured, crawls down back to the catapult hole. He falls through the hole and caught by Alfredo and Leo. They wonder what happened to Derk.
Inside the room, Derk wants to escape through the window but it is too small. He puts dynamite on the window and it blows into a perfect hole for Derk to escape through. Derk jumps out the hole and lands in the water. He grabs a piece a wood and floats on. The row boat team finds Derk floating around and rescues him. The pirate ship slowly sinks away...
To be continued...
Chogokin King Robot Mickey & Friends Action Figure!!!!
You guys seen this before? It is like Disney and Power Rangers have a baby or something. This is Chogokin series newest addition- King Robot Mickey & Friends! It's a giant combining piloted mecha versions of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto with a dog house, Goofy, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Steamboat Willie. The figure stands 8.7' tall, and will be about $175. The figure is set to release in March. As for now, enjoy the video and pics here.
J.J. Abrams to Direct Star Wars: Episode VII
I know this news is a day old, but I was too busy yesterday. Anyway, J.J. Abrams is officially going to direct Star Wars: Episode VII. This was a surprise due to the fact that just about a month ago, Abrams specifically states that he was not going to shoot the film.
Looking forward to some time travelling island mystery in the newest Star Wars movie :)
Looking forward to some time travelling island mystery in the newest Star Wars movie :)
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Justice League Movie Roster?
Update 1-24-2013: There are news that there's a new roster update for this movie. Now the core characters are going to be Superman, Batman Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern. With possible appearances of Martian Manhunter, Aquaman and maaaaayyyybe Hawkman.
Cosmic Book News reveals that they have the roster for the upcoming Justice League movie
What do you think?
Cosmic Book News reveals that they have the roster for the upcoming Justice League movie
What do you think?
The Walking Dead Comic Series 2 Action Figures Announced!
McFarlane Toys just announced series 2 of their Walking Dead comic figures. It has been a while since Mcfarlane last release figures from the comic series, so I'm super excited about this.
The series comes with Glenn with his riot gear outfit, The Governor, Michonne's Pet Zombie (Mike) and Penny, The Governor's zombie daughter. The bucket and fish tank trophy collection are also part of Penny's set. One of the heads from the fish tank can be replace with Michonne's pet zombie to create Mike's best friend- Terry.
The series also comes with a bloody black and white pack of The Governor and his zombie daughter.
The set will be release this June.
Bandai Robot Tamashii Doraemon reviews
I received this in the mail yesterday:
What the heck, man, the box is ripped. Let's hope the inside is fine. Here we go...
This Doraemon has magnets in its hands for easy access to its gadgets. All you have to do it put the gadgets on its hands and it can pick up the gadgets easily. How awesome is that?
Overall, I really enjoy this figure. This is one of the few times I actually have fun switching spare parts around. Even the eyes are switchable with magnets as well. The only difficult part is the face as it's harder part to switch around. A very good figure that I recommend Doraemon fans do get one.
Isn't this just the cutest thing ever? So I decided to do a small review about this. Bandai Robot Tamashii series is famous for their authentic and details. But at first I'm worrying about this:
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uh oh... |
Everything looks good! I can't wait to try out all the different parts:
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So cute! |
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Don't mess with me, asshole! |
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I'm warning you... |
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Oh no! |
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A dorayaki always make things better |
There's even a magnet in its head to for easily put on the helicopter as well. This really make switching things around so much easier.
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How do I look with my sexy ears? |
Score: 9.2/10
Comics Reviews 1-23-2013
I review comic books every week! This week I review comics from DC, Marvel, and Shonen Jump's One Piece . In alphabetical order.
First thing I want to point out is that I found it very annoying that the DC issues have banner for Arrow on the cover. I hate that show. Anyway...
A brand new beginning for a brand new issue of Birds of Prey. This issue we are introduced with two new team members- Strix, the Talon and Condor. Personally, I like Strix better than Katana. The character is more interesting than Katana, and she fits the bird theme of the team better anyway. Condor is the only male in the team, which they point out in this issue as well, but it doesn't make him any less of a member. If anything, it makes him a very characteristic member of the team. I like how this issue skips ahead of few weeks to allow the team members to bond. I know a lot of readers probably would like to see how the members becoming a team, but seriously though, I don't think this series can slow down anymore. Anyway, this is a solid issue and it brings back my faith for the series.
That final page is just awesome! We get to see all the possible helps for Justice League. Now allows me to break them down one by one:
Oh, and the Shazam backup is as strong as always. Can't wait for that to have its own on-going series.
8.2 final-page-makes-up-everything/10
This is a creepy, f-up issue. It is really dark to see everyone Nightwing knows turns into Joker's mind-controlled minions. Especially the final attack by the little girl Christina. I mean, that's just brutal. This really breaks him down you can really see how Dick Grayson, the oldest sidekick, got broken into pieces physically and emotionally.
"Community of Interests" is a celebration chapter. Every time after incidents on any islands, the Straw Hate Pirates always celebrate with a fest, and this is that chapter. Nothing a lot happened, but this is still a pretty decent chapter.
First thing I want to point out is that I found it very annoying that the DC issues have banner for Arrow on the cover. I hate that show. Anyway...
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Birds of Prey issue 16 |
The ending is makes me wonder what the heck Black Canary is going to do now. Can't wait.
7.8 hooray-for-new-members/10
I'm so sad about this series. I was really looking forward to Black Lighting and Blue Devil, but the stories turns out to be really, really weak. I'm glad that it is over because this doesn't justified the characters at all. What we want from this series is a re-introduction of these classic characters to the world of New 52, but the stories are so bad, I don't even know why I care about these characters anymore. Anyway not that the story is over, it doesn't mean that the characters are over as well. I'm looking forward to see how they fit into the world of New 52 in the future.
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DC Universe Presents issue 16 |
I can't believe Rise of The Third Army is ending already. I didn't even see a single member of the Third Army is this issue. This really is a very bizarre event that the real threat was hardly seen in the event at all. Anyway, don't stop this from being a good issue though.
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Green Lantern issue 16 |
This is an awesome issue where I fall in love B'dg all over again. He is such an awesome character in a cute, little package. We also learn why Simon Baz is such a special Green Lantern. He has the ability to cure illness! A power where none of the Green Lantern has. While might not a lot happens in this issue, we are moving forward things to Green Lantern Corps.
8.2 Cute-B'dg/10
This is one of the few times I would get Green Lantern Corps. I like this series, and surprisingly due to Guy Gardner. For an asshole, Guy Gardner has some very interesting stories. Also, upon reading Green Lantern, I learn that Simon Baz is going to make another appearance in this issue so... yeah...
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Green Lantern Corps issue 16 |
This is another fun issue where we get to see Baz, Gardner and B'dg kick some asses. And this time, we finally get to see the Third Army is action! Guy Gardner really shows how tough he is, especially consider the fact that he doesn't have a ring anymore. However, I don't like how they end the battle so easy with missiles. It's also cute to see how similar Baz and Gardner are.
8.5 Gardner-and-Baz/10
Well, after the horrible annual issue, this issue finally picks up a bit. Kyle Rayner's reunion with Ganthet is a touching one where it leads for us to understand better why Kyle Rayner has difficulties understanding the emotion specter of "love." DC should just understand that people only like this series for Kyle Rayner and go ahead and change the series to Kyle Rayner: The Awesome Green Lantern. How Awesome is he? Well, he finally manages all the emotional specters and becomes a White Lantern. That's awesome or what?
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Green Lantern: New Guardians issue 16 |
Anyway, after this issue, everything is going to end in next week's Green Lanterns Corps annual # 1. So how's Kyle going to use his power? Let's find out.
The only reason points are lower is because I don't care about anyone else but Kyle Rayner.
7.8 awesome-Kyle Rayner/10
Well, that turns out to be a surprise. I really though The Joker is going to kill Lois Lane that easily. But no, he has to go and take his time to torture her, or whatever the hell he's doing to her currently. The appearance of Justice League members is a good one because it really shows how desperate Superman is with Lois Lane missing. And how cool was it that Doomsday pops out of the nowhere at the end.
8.2 Doomsday-kills them-all/10
And mentioning Justice League, Justice League slows down this issue. While I still think Throne of Atlantis is a strong cross-over, but it really isn't as good as the previous two issues. I mean, are we really supposed to believe that Superman and Wonder Woman can be defeated by the Atlanians? Those two are like gods! And also Batman, a human trapped in water stream like that? He's not going to last long. No, I understand where they are going with this. They need to put Justice League in dire situations so they can have Cyborg calling for REINFORCEMENTS!!!!!!
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Injustice: Gods Among Us issue 2 |
8.2 Doomsday-kills them-all/10
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Justice League issue 16 |
That final page is just awesome! We get to see all the possible helps for Justice League. Now allows me to break them down one by one:
- Element Woman: I always know this character is going to be back in New 52, but I just don't know how. I don't even know how's our characters know her. Anyway, I really like this character and I can't wait to see her in actions.
- Green Arrow: Now isn't that just ridiculous how Cyborg tries to ask Green Arrow for help out, especially after they turned him down originally. Let's see how Green Arrow will act on this, but I'm pretty sure he's going to turn it down because he's going to be part of Justice League of America.
- Black Lighting: It's good to see how he's going to make an appearance already. Hopefully he does a better job here than DC Universe Presents.
- Shazam!: Alright! I'm so glad to see that he's going to be part of Justice League already. I just hope that the Shazam! backups explain how the League knows Shazam! Bu overall, it is really cool to see him.
- Hawkman: So all the classics DC heroes are going to be part of the team, huh? However, just like Green Arrow, Hawkman is going to be part of Justice League of America this February as well. So I wonder how that is going to play out.
- Vixen: Another classic character. I'm glad she finds a place where she belongs after Justice League International was cancelled. I actually don't know a lot about Vixen, and I wouldn't mind having this as an opportunity to know her better.
- Zatanna: Of course she has to be a reinforcement for the league! A classic member and a fan favorite. I can wait to see her having more appearances outside of Justice League Dark. I really LOVE her.
- Goldrush: Who?
- Black Canary: Yeah, more chances to see Black Canary. Perhaps this is the chance for DC to bring back the relationship between Green Arrow and Black Canary? Who knows, but its always good to see Black Canary around.
- Firestorm: People been wondering why Firestorm's series is not cancelled yet. Maybe that if Firestorm is going to join Justice league, his own series will be cancel. There, I said it.
Oh, and the Shazam backup is as strong as always. Can't wait for that to have its own on-going series.
8.2 final-page-makes-up-everything/10
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Nightwing issue 16 |
There're many questions about this issue though, how the heck is The Joker able to haunt down all these Bat members at one time? It is really confusing of the timeline of Death of the Family event. But this is not the first time I complain about this, so....
Overall, overlooking the timeline problem, this is actually a pretty strong issue. I used to say I hate all the Death of the Family cross-over but the Batman title, but towards the end, all the issues finally pick up. This issue also ends with The Joker holding the waitress plate. Next month is the ending and I can't wait to see what's inside of it.
7.5 happy-endings/10
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One Piece Chapter 696 |
The revelation of Momonosuke's human form is... all I have to say is he might as well just stay in his dragon form. I have no idea why Eiichiro Oda bother hides Momonosuke's appearance in the first place, but it is not anything special at all. Also, the kid is really annoying with his stupid beliefs on not eating the food. I know there might be a reason for this, but that whole "honor" thing is really getting old. Get a life, kid.
So neither Doflamingo nor that mysterious shadowed figure made an appearance this chapter. However, we did find out which Yonko Law wants Luffy to take down. It turns out he wants them to take down Kaido, and it reveals that Kaido's epithet is "Kaido of the Hundred Beasts." Maybe he is also the same Yonko that leads an army of synthetic Devil Fruit users? Anyway, it also turns out that Luffy want to take down all of the Yonko eventually. What a shock!
Anyway, I think it is safe to assume that the next island is going to be Wano, where Straw Hat Pirates are going to escort Kinemon and Momonosuke home.
8.2 next-island-of-one-piece/10
So far, the eniter H'El on Earth cross-over is just horrible. However, Supergirl series have been doing pretty well with this event. I know I haven't read the Superboy series yet, but I'm pretty sure no one can do better than Supergirl when comes to this event. Supergirl shows a personal reasons for caring about about Krypton. She's the only one who actually grew up there, and her stories have always been how she doesn't belong anywhere, so if she can bring back Krypton and find a place where she belong, she will do it for whatever reason.
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Supergirl issue 16 |
This issue also guest star The Flash as well. Flash does a wonderful job exploring the fortress, and introduces to the readers many interesting aspects. For example, I have no idea that Superman has a zoo in the fortress. Also, it's great to see Krypto again. He really is an awesome dog.
I have no idea what that thing is at the final page of the issue. But I don't think I care at all.
7 eh/10
Uncanny Avengers is hard to care when you can only read it once in TWO MONTHS! Jesus, why does this take forever to come out? I though this is the flagship book of what the entire Marvel NOW is all about, but this is taking way too long for me to care at this point.
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Uncanny Avengers issue 3 |
The story itself... is kind of annoying I mean, who the hell is narrating the entire story? Knowing that this is someone narrating a past event just makes me care about this story even less than ever. Red Skull's plan is kind of confusing. He wants to get rid of all the mutants, but at the same time he's teaming himself up with mutants? I don't know...
Red Skull turning everyone to hate mutants is kind of a cool. Especially the noble Captain America being effected by it, too. At the end, Red Skill successfully turn Thor to his side, and how Wolverine survived the attack is beyond my imagination. So yeah, this series need to pick up soon. And when I said pick up, I mean it needs to be one issue per month. I don't think I'm asking too much, am I?
6.9 mutants-haters/10
Wonder Woman really is a strong series. Even though the series shows no signs of being part of the New 52 world, it is a very strong series itself no matter what.
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Wonder Woman issue 16 |
Orion's introduction to the world is really awesome. I can't wait for this New Gods things to come out the other end at sees how the other New Gods going to fit into the world of New 52.
A question I have at the bar scene though, what's wrong with ordering a Jack and Coke? I always order Jack and Coke in a bar- that's my drink. The bartender is a prick. Anyway, how all the demi-gods appear in that bar is really cool. The reunion next month is going to be crazy!
Anyway, who the hell is that emo kid waiting outside the bathroom, and what did he/she said to Zola?
8.8 demi-gods/10
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