Thursday, February 28, 2013
SimsCity Closed Beta Reviews
I pre-ordered SimsCity on my Origin, so yesterday I received an opportunity to try the closed beta of the game from 5 pm 9 pm! And like any normal humans would do, I dropped all the works I have and dived into the game when clock strikes 5. After playing a couple of hours, I have to tell you that I'm glad I pre-ordered the game- it is one of the well detailed and "constructed" game I ever played.
When first enter the game, it offers a very easy to understand tutorial process that allows players to learns the mechanic of the game. I admit that this is the first time I play the SimsCity series, but I have past experience with city building games such as Machi-ing Maker series. However, the moment I go through the tutorial I know I was out of my league. SimsCity game is very sophisticated that players not only have to make their citizens happy, they also have to worry about utility problems such as electricity and water...etc. Then the game goes ahead and becomes more detail by asking players to get rid off city's waste and sewage problems. These are all something that the Machi-ing Maker series doesn't have, and I really appreciate the sophistication.
The tutorial than informs me I can somehow in contact with others players' cities and share our products with each others. Like supplying them electricity, or import products that they specialize. The rest of the tutorial is pretty straight forward- police station, school, fire fighter, hospital... etc. Cool. A long, but well-informed tutorial comes to an end and I should be good to play the game, right? RIGHT?
I start a new game by creating a region I want to build the city on. Since this is a beta game, there's only one region to choose from. I name the region Skyrim cause I'm awesome like that- and I screw-up the moment the game starts. I place roads all over the place until I learn that no one can enter my city, because the roads aren't connect to the freeway. So I delete all the roads to build new one just to find out I ran out of money already! It turns out that it cost money to build roads in this game! This is the first time that I play any city building games that it costs to build roads. Now I'm stuck in a situation without roads, without citizens to make me money for roads and an empty game. So I delete the game and start a new one.
It's easy to build buildings in the game. All you have to do is zoning the street you build into one of the three categories ( residential, commercial and industrial), and buildings will be built automatically. While this might be handy to most players, I find this kind of lame. One thing I like the most about Machi-ing Maker series is the fact that you get to place your favorite stores in the city. I want to see my citizens go to a TGIF, or buy thing from Target. I know it's a stretch for America games to place actual stores in them without causing some kind of copyright problems, but shouldn't a game like this gives you freedom to place any stores and anywhere you want? Same can be say about the housings as well. All the housings start off as small residential house, and through the game they rebuild into skyscraper apartments. Why can't I decide what kind of housing I want so I can create a residential neighborhood and a metropolitan area? This is really a big issue for me, and hopefully it's only a beta thing. The real game will be better.
Another big issue I have with the game is relocation, which is something that it doesn't seem to have. For example, I built a sewage plant at a place where it doesn't make sense anymore as the city expands. But I don't want to bulldoze the place and rebuild it, I just want to relocate the plant so I don't waste my money. It seems like such a simple thing to have, but maybe I just don't know how to do so.
It's satisfying to accomplish something in the game and see the smiley faces on citizens houses. It's also satisfying to get rid off the problem for the citizens. One thing I enjoy the most about this game that others don't have is the government feature. In this feature, you can see details on how much your city is earning, and how much it spending. And you can also increase or decrease taxes accordingly. It's also fun to expand public facilities such as hospital or police station. Adding extra rooms for patients or garage for patrol cars are just some charms this game has for letting you become a better mayor.
The multiplayer system can be fun if you have good neighbors. As I stated earlier, neighboring cities can do trade for you, or provide services. However, it only works when you're playing with fun players. When I was playing, not only my neighbors never answer me back, I even go ahead and provide them water! Ungrateful bastards! Also, I have no idea how the game find me neighbors, cause they just pop out of thin air. It's is my proximity?
One thing I have mix feelings with is the disasters. During the two hours I was playing, I encountered a tornado, alien invasion and Godzilla! While tornado makes sense, but alien and Godzilla? It's fun to see things happen, but it's sad and bizarre to see my city being destroy by such out of the world situations. I guess I will feel better if I can do something to prevent them. There's a section that wasn't unlocked for beta and hopefully in the real game I can do something to prevent it.
Overall, the game is fun and it has great playing values. Of course there're problems I picked on, but hopefully all these problems will go away in the real game. I'm planning on review the real game when it comes out as well. If you haven't pre-order the game yet go ahead and do it because it's totally awesome.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Comics Reviews 2-27-2013
Hello blog readers, due to time management, I decided to only review the comics that I really want to review. Also, it's a way to guarantee quality reviews. Here goes:
So DC gone and one it- the first major death in New 52. There was a rumor for the longest time that Damian Wayne was going to die in The Death of The Family event, and when no one died people thought Damian was safe. Little do they know that he's going die a few weeks later in Batman Incorporated instead. To be honest, I already know that Damian can't die in Death of The Family event, because Grant Morrison always says that he has things planned for Damian. So it would be really screw-up if someone other writer killed him off instead.
This is actually not a very strong issue despite the eventful death. The fight between our heroes and the enemies is a rushed one, and it feels like that Morrison just wants to force the story to the final confrontation between Robin and his evil clone. The confrontation is of course, a sad and tearful one with Robin pleading his mother to stop the evil clone. Not to overlook that the only reason Robin would die is because he tries to save the girl from being killed in the first place. This character really comes a long from a troubled assassin boy to a kind-heart superhero. Especially in the recent issues of both Batman Incorporated and Batman and Robin, we get to see how much he is trying, and how much he just wants his father's approval and love- something he can't get from his mother.
Let's not forget that Nightwings also shares a moment with Damian as well. Remembering the days when Damian was the Robin to Nightwing's Batman. It really was a time when Damian first started to grow in many readers' hearts.
From 2006-2013, we will always remember you, Damian Wayne. And hope you make a return one day.
The big 700! With past experiences, One Piece usually has big revelation in their "hundreds" titles. "His Own Pace" is no different than others. While the revelation might not be as strong as past ones, this is still a superb chapter.
I'm actually very disappointed with this series. This is the flagship title for the entire Marvel Now moments, and it can't keep itself being interesting. While New 52's flagship Justice League is still strong as ever. I really don't see how Marvel gets to make fun of DC at all sore loser.
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Batman Incorporated issue 8 |
This is actually not a very strong issue despite the eventful death. The fight between our heroes and the enemies is a rushed one, and it feels like that Morrison just wants to force the story to the final confrontation between Robin and his evil clone. The confrontation is of course, a sad and tearful one with Robin pleading his mother to stop the evil clone. Not to overlook that the only reason Robin would die is because he tries to save the girl from being killed in the first place. This character really comes a long from a troubled assassin boy to a kind-heart superhero. Especially in the recent issues of both Batman Incorporated and Batman and Robin, we get to see how much he is trying, and how much he just wants his father's approval and love- something he can't get from his mother.
Let's not forget that Nightwings also shares a moment with Damian as well. Remembering the days when Damian was the Robin to Nightwing's Batman. It really was a time when Damian first started to grow in many readers' hearts.
From 2006-2013, we will always remember you, Damian Wayne. And hope you make a return one day.
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One Piece Chapter 700 |
We learn a lot of things this chapter. First of all, there's a freelance reporter named Absa in the series. And from the little Easter egg in the panel, we can guess that Absa is actually Absalom. it seems like he's finally using his fruit power to good use.
Second, the confirmation that Buggy the Clown is a Shichibukai. Well, it's not too much a revelation to most people, because all the good One Piece fans already guessed Buggy is a Shichibukai now. It would be a surprise if Buggy is not. Anyway, Doflamingo's epithet is also revealed to be Ten Yasha- Sky Demon. It's probably referred to the fact that Doflamingo can "walk" in the air. One Shichibukai is still remain unknown, and there're rumors that Wapol will be the final Shichibukai. While I'm not a fan at all to this theory, it would be kinda fun to see that happen. But still, I'm not a fan at all.
Last, it's revealed that Doflamingo is in possession of Ace's Devil Fruit- The Flame-Flame Fruit. We already know that once a Devil Fruit User died, the closet fruit next to him/her will become the Devil Fruit with the same power. However, there's still the possibility that the Devil Fruit is synthetic. A point I have to make clear is that I don't believe Luffy will be affected by this at all. He will feel something at first of course, but he will not break the alliance with Law. He's man like that.
Now Straw Hat Crew and friends arrived the next island, I can't wait to see what's in store for them next. Can't wait for next week.
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Uncanny Avengers issue 4 |
The fight between our heroes and Red Skull feels like a lazy one with too many repeated actions. Red Skull is killing Rogue, so Havok comes out to stop him. Now Havok is being controlled by Red Skull just to have Captain America to come out and stop him again? The final speech Havok gives to the brain-washed civilians are lazy as well. Shouldn't a speech like this make people feel like "yeah, thing are going to be alright." I don't feel that at all. All I feel is "hey, this guy is running away from his problems."
The art is getting really bad, too. I do not like the way he draws his characters, and the little homage to Days of Future Past is just a desperate cry for me. We all know that the next X-Men movie is based on Days, so to me this is an unnecessary way this title tries to milk the money out of it. Next month is a brand-new story, so I will give that a try. But if things don't pick up by then, I will stop reading this series.
While I'm going to review other titles, there are some interesting things in them. The Flash issue 17 finally shows a glimpse of Reverse Flash in the final panel. Also, Uncanny X-Men issue 2 is setting up a big fight between the Avengers and Cyclops' X-Men. It seems like the Avengers is getting busy with X-Men, cause they're set to appear in next week's All New X-Men as well.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
My D&D Adventure part 6
It's the next morning after Leo's death. Near wakes up and sees the room is empty but Derk sleeping a few feet away. Near goes up to the deck and sees Alfredo and Vespa working on a coffin. Other than Leo's corpse, there are three body bags not too far. Aries is standing away from the group. Not knowing how to deal with the grief, Near decides to go fishing.
Derk wakes up and looks for booze. He takes a sip and heads up the deck as well and approaches Aries. He asks Aries the simple questions like what she's doing here and why she helped. She says it was just right place at the right time. Near doesn't trust Aries at all, and he yells at her. The situation is tense, and it was really uncomfortable. Near storms off the help Alfredo and Vespa, while Derk wonders off to drink by himself.
After the coffin is completed, the group has a water funeral where they set the coffin on fire. They wait until the see the coffin burns to ashes. Derk follows Vespa back to captain's quarter where they have a private conversation. They're talking about the possibility that Argo was mind controlled, and Vespa's desire to find both Argo and Gullas. Derk expresses his distrust of Argo, and plans to kill him when he sees Argo. This worries Vespa. Derk leaves the quarter and goes talk to Alfredo. He tries to talk Alfredo into being on his side, but Alfredo wouldn't do so- he's too loyal to Near. Suddenly Near pulls a crossbow on Derk. It turns out Vespa wants Near's help in taking Derk down, because he's acting too untrustworthy. Derk empties his pockets along with the amulet and Near ties him up in a room below deck.
A shriek of a bird and the same falcon returns with a letter. The Ministry is not happy with Near not showing up in his previous work, and he needs to come talk to them. Near talks to Vespa about it, and she thinks it's okay for them to stop by the coast city for Near to go talk to his Ministry. Meanwhile, Alfredo go checks on Derk. Once again, Derk tries to convince Alfredo to help him, but Alfredo wouldn't budge. Near approaches Aries, and apologies to her for being hustle. He explains that his friend just died, so he can't help it but feel grumpy. Aries understands and tells Near that she's on a mission to free her family from the cult- the cult has the ability to mind control people.
The ship comes to the port city, and they decide to go their separate ways- Near needs to go to the Ministry, Aries is going her own way, Vespa is going to look for clues and she asks Alfredo to keep an close eye on Derk.
Derk and Alfredo decide to go to a bar in town for more information. Derk somehow ends up talking to a big buy named Bruno doing a job for him in exchange for information. On the other side, Near arrives the Ministry to talk to the leader- Caelum. Near explains the reason not to do the work, and Caelum understands. He also warns Near that bounty hunters are looking for him. That's it. Near thanks Caelum and leaves the area. Outside the Ministry, Near spots some hooves tacks, but he doesn't see anyone suspicious. He leaves the area.
Derk's job requires him to sneak into a house and places a jewelry box in it. However, Derk's curiosity comes over and he decides to pick the box and sees some powder substance in it- he has no idea what this is. After the job, Bruno tells Derk what he knows about Gullas- he last saw him up some cape in the mountain, and he draws a map for Derk.
The group reunite on the boat. After sharing information, Vespa decides the group should head out to the cape to find Gullas.
Derk wakes up and looks for booze. He takes a sip and heads up the deck as well and approaches Aries. He asks Aries the simple questions like what she's doing here and why she helped. She says it was just right place at the right time. Near doesn't trust Aries at all, and he yells at her. The situation is tense, and it was really uncomfortable. Near storms off the help Alfredo and Vespa, while Derk wonders off to drink by himself.
After the coffin is completed, the group has a water funeral where they set the coffin on fire. They wait until the see the coffin burns to ashes. Derk follows Vespa back to captain's quarter where they have a private conversation. They're talking about the possibility that Argo was mind controlled, and Vespa's desire to find both Argo and Gullas. Derk expresses his distrust of Argo, and plans to kill him when he sees Argo. This worries Vespa. Derk leaves the quarter and goes talk to Alfredo. He tries to talk Alfredo into being on his side, but Alfredo wouldn't do so- he's too loyal to Near. Suddenly Near pulls a crossbow on Derk. It turns out Vespa wants Near's help in taking Derk down, because he's acting too untrustworthy. Derk empties his pockets along with the amulet and Near ties him up in a room below deck.
A shriek of a bird and the same falcon returns with a letter. The Ministry is not happy with Near not showing up in his previous work, and he needs to come talk to them. Near talks to Vespa about it, and she thinks it's okay for them to stop by the coast city for Near to go talk to his Ministry. Meanwhile, Alfredo go checks on Derk. Once again, Derk tries to convince Alfredo to help him, but Alfredo wouldn't budge. Near approaches Aries, and apologies to her for being hustle. He explains that his friend just died, so he can't help it but feel grumpy. Aries understands and tells Near that she's on a mission to free her family from the cult- the cult has the ability to mind control people.
The ship comes to the port city, and they decide to go their separate ways- Near needs to go to the Ministry, Aries is going her own way, Vespa is going to look for clues and she asks Alfredo to keep an close eye on Derk.
Derk and Alfredo decide to go to a bar in town for more information. Derk somehow ends up talking to a big buy named Bruno doing a job for him in exchange for information. On the other side, Near arrives the Ministry to talk to the leader- Caelum. Near explains the reason not to do the work, and Caelum understands. He also warns Near that bounty hunters are looking for him. That's it. Near thanks Caelum and leaves the area. Outside the Ministry, Near spots some hooves tacks, but he doesn't see anyone suspicious. He leaves the area.
Derk's job requires him to sneak into a house and places a jewelry box in it. However, Derk's curiosity comes over and he decides to pick the box and sees some powder substance in it- he has no idea what this is. After the job, Bruno tells Derk what he knows about Gullas- he last saw him up some cape in the mountain, and he draws a map for Derk.
The group reunite on the boat. After sharing information, Vespa decides the group should head out to the cape to find Gullas.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Batman Inc.'s Big Spoiler Ahead!
NY Post announced today that Damian Wayne, the current Robin and Batman's son will die on February 27th, 2013 in Batman Incorporated #8. Apparently, Batman will be too late to save Robin. Again. Just like how he did with Jason.
So this will come to an end with Morrison's run on Damian Wayne. Does this mean that Harper Row will be the newest Robin after all? Only time will find out, and you can make dam sure that I will review the issue this Wednesday.
WCF J-STARS series!
This is actually an old news news already, and I just always forget to blog about it. To celebrate 45 years of Shonen Jump, Banpresto's World Collection Figure series (WCF for short) is releasing a line of figures called J-STARS, stands for Jump stars, to celebrate the event. The figures are famous characters from Shonen Jump series. Since I'm late on this news, there're already five waves announced for this series.
First Wave:
First Wave:
The first wave is releasing in May. It has Ryotsu from Kochikame, Goku from Dragon Ball, Ultimate Muscle, Arale of Dr. Slump, Saint Seiya, Naruto, Toriko and Gon from Hunter X Hunter.
Second Wave:
The second wave is coming in June. It has Midori Makibao, Reborn from Hitman, Kuroko, Ryuk of Death Note, Bossun of Sket Dance and Jotaro Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Third Wave:
The third wave coming in July. It has Kenshi from Rurouni Kenshi, Killua from Hunter X Hunter, Luffy of One Piece, Luckyman, Sai of Hikaru no go and Fuusuke of Ninku. There's are still two unknown characters.
Fourth Wave:
The fourth wave is coming in August. It has Gintoki from Gintama, Nura form Rise of the Yokai Clan, Saiki Kusuo from the new series Siaki Kusuo no Sainan, Switch of Sket Dance and few unknow characters.
Fifth Wave:
The fifth wave is coming in September. It has Ace from One Piece, Yusuke of Yu Yu Hakusho, Kakashi from Naruto, the dude from Sakigake!! Otokojuku, and Mashiro from Bakuman.
There's a rumor that the series is a promotion for an upcoming game with Shonen Jump character mash-up like DS game Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars from few years ago. Hopefully that's true cause that would be totally awesome! The figure I'm looking forward the most is Saiki Kusuo from the fourth wave because it's such a great upcoming new series. Let me which ones are you most looking forward to.
The Walking Dead: "I Ain't a Judas" Reviews
So the episode title is about Andrea, huh? Well, once that becomes clear, the episode isn't so interesting. I always like Andrea in comic- she's useful, smart, confident and nothing like her TV counterpart. Enough to say, this episode is one of the most frustrated one to watch ever.
Andrea decides to sneak away from Woodburry, so she can find out what her prison friends have become. After our main characters have told her that The Governor shoot first, killing Axel and sent out Merle to kill Michonne, I don't understand how Andrea can still believe The Governor is a good person. Especially seeing that he had fish tanks of walker heads as collection. But hey, she's Andrea, not the sharpest tool.
It's still good to see Andrea reunite with our main character. It's like almost a year since these characters last seen each others, so the emotional reunion is necessary. It's interesting to note that Shane is the first character Andrea asks for due to their relationship. They boned. For a moment there I'm really wishing Andrea can just wake the fuck up and start buying her ticket back to our main characters like Merle is doing. One thing I don't like is how Andrea jumps between characters, talking to them briefly and the scene moves on. The one between Andrea and Michonne is the one that just happens too quick, and ends too quick. The two share more time together than Andrea did with everyone else.
It's bizarre how Carol tells Andrea to use her vagina first, then kill The Governor. Is it because she wants Andrea to have The Governor's guard down? If that's the case, why not just have her make out with him or something. Or is it because Carol really wants The Governor to have a good time before his death for good measurement. I guess we will never find out due to he pussy-out. And good job telling The Governor Merle and Michonne are both in the prison Andrea! I don't know what I expect more from you anymore.
Tyreese's group is back this week, but they end up in Woodburry I guess rumors that Tyreese was going to be a Woodburry citizen is half-true now. It's sad that Rick's group has to loose such wonderful reinforcement, but it's not like anyone can really blame those people for helping out Woodburry. If I was chase out of a place by a gun-wielding crazy asshole, I wouldn't want to help them either. I can really express how annoying this is for me, because I'm such a big fan of Tyreese in comic and I'm really hoping he can be a great help for Rick's group.
Another big story is Merle's stay in the prison. While I'm not a big fan of Merle, he's starting to warm-up to me. I'm always a big fan of Rick's group as a big family, so after the recent lost of Axel, Oscar, T-Dog, Lori... etc, we can really have some new blood to increase this family again. Beside, we need more muscle to fight off The Governor anyway. It's cute to see how much Merle tries to change for his place in the group, so it would be really fuck up if it turns out he's secretly working for The Governor or something. Also, this is really not fair for Glenn- it would be pretty fuck up to have Shane live with them after he tried to kill Rick.
So this is just an okay episode. It is kind of fun to see how the pet walkers are created though. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of this Andrea, and hopefully next week will be better.
Oh, and Beth, I really love you and all, but if you don't stop singing you will for sure be the next one to go.
Andrea decides to sneak away from Woodburry, so she can find out what her prison friends have become. After our main characters have told her that The Governor shoot first, killing Axel and sent out Merle to kill Michonne, I don't understand how Andrea can still believe The Governor is a good person. Especially seeing that he had fish tanks of walker heads as collection. But hey, she's Andrea, not the sharpest tool.
It's still good to see Andrea reunite with our main character. It's like almost a year since these characters last seen each others, so the emotional reunion is necessary. It's interesting to note that Shane is the first character Andrea asks for due to their relationship. They boned. For a moment there I'm really wishing Andrea can just wake the fuck up and start buying her ticket back to our main characters like Merle is doing. One thing I don't like is how Andrea jumps between characters, talking to them briefly and the scene moves on. The one between Andrea and Michonne is the one that just happens too quick, and ends too quick. The two share more time together than Andrea did with everyone else.
It's bizarre how Carol tells Andrea to use her vagina first, then kill The Governor. Is it because she wants Andrea to have The Governor's guard down? If that's the case, why not just have her make out with him or something. Or is it because Carol really wants The Governor to have a good time before his death for good measurement. I guess we will never find out due to he pussy-out. And good job telling The Governor Merle and Michonne are both in the prison Andrea! I don't know what I expect more from you anymore.
Tyreese's group is back this week, but they end up in Woodburry I guess rumors that Tyreese was going to be a Woodburry citizen is half-true now. It's sad that Rick's group has to loose such wonderful reinforcement, but it's not like anyone can really blame those people for helping out Woodburry. If I was chase out of a place by a gun-wielding crazy asshole, I wouldn't want to help them either. I can really express how annoying this is for me, because I'm such a big fan of Tyreese in comic and I'm really hoping he can be a great help for Rick's group.
Another big story is Merle's stay in the prison. While I'm not a big fan of Merle, he's starting to warm-up to me. I'm always a big fan of Rick's group as a big family, so after the recent lost of Axel, Oscar, T-Dog, Lori... etc, we can really have some new blood to increase this family again. Beside, we need more muscle to fight off The Governor anyway. It's cute to see how much Merle tries to change for his place in the group, so it would be really fuck up if it turns out he's secretly working for The Governor or something. Also, this is really not fair for Glenn- it would be pretty fuck up to have Shane live with them after he tried to kill Rick.
So this is just an okay episode. It is kind of fun to see how the pet walkers are created though. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of this Andrea, and hopefully next week will be better.
Oh, and Beth, I really love you and all, but if you don't stop singing you will for sure be the next one to go.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
My D&D Adventure part 5
The episode opens up with Derk in a dream again. He faces off the hooded figure again, and it doesn't have a face. The figure floats through the wall and into the house. Derk enters the house and sees nothing, but the sounds of things being dragged. Derk turns and sees the figure dragging three sacks of bodies. Derk becomes furious and stabs the figure. It turns into smoke and surrounds him--
Derk wakes up and sees Leo cooking fish next to him. The amulet is glowing again, and Derk wonder where Barrion is. Meanwhile, Joshua flies into the camp and wants Near to follow it. A falcon flies to the camp and circles the camp in a threatening manner. Near doesn't know what to do but uses the animal whistle. The falcon's talon is out, and Joshua fights the falcon. The falcon than drops a letter- it turns out to be a contract job for Near. The contract wants Near to be a guard for a city official's home. Near wonders what Alfredo's plans are if he's going to take the job. As he's out looking for Alfredo, he hears a scream! Near runs after the scream and finds Barrion's corpse in a pool of blood.
Near calls Joshua over to survey the area for any possible suspects. Derk is worried about Vespa, so he decides to go to the pier to find Vespa. Derk comes to the pier and sees Vespa working on a new boat- she just bought a new boat and is getting ready for the next adventure. Vespa requests Derk to get him some tool, so Derk comes to the local inn for the tools. He flirts with the girl in the inn name Corinna and makes some impression. Nothing too much, just Derk being Derk. Back on Near's side, Near is follows Joshua to an abandoned carriage with dead bodies surrounding it. Near finds one of them still alive and asks the man what happened. The man recognizes Near, and has a clear hatred toward him. Near wonder why and the man tells Near to look at inside the carriage. There is a clear signs of ransacked inside the carriage, but Near finds wanted posters of him and Derk- for breaking in and murdered the guards. Near ensures the man that he means no harm, and he wants to know who did this to them, because the person might be the same one that murdered his friend as well. It takes a while, but the man reveals the assassin to be Aries- a legendary assassin famous for swiftness, and ninja-like ability. Near cannot leave the man to die, so he puts the man on the back of a horse, and he rides off to find a village.
Near comes to a village and drops the man off. Knowing that he's a wanted man, Near doesn't want to stay at the village too long and takes off trying to find signs of Aries. He sees hooves prints but it disappears next to a stream, and there's no sign of people anywhere. Don't know what else to do, Near decides to go back to the camp.
Near comes back to the camp, Derk and Vespa are back as well. Suddenly an earthquake that shatters the ground. Freaks out with the situation, the group decides to leave. Near has to make a decision: he either goes with the pirate group, or he goes do his job as the guard. Thinking it's too dangerous to be a guard now as a wanted man, Near decides to join the pirate group along with Alfredo. Vespa thinks it's a good idea as well, so Near and Alfredo are officially in the crew now.
The group packs for the next adventure, and they take Barrion's stuff with them. Near still wants to avenge Barrion's death, so he decides to go back to the village where's the dropped the injured man off. Near, Derk and Leo head for the village to gather information. Derk heads for the bar while Near and Leo look for the injured man. They learn that Aries used to be in a certain clan until she was kicked out. They also suspect Aries might be the same ninja they met in the town before. Derk decides to go talk to the mayor for more information while Near and Leo wait outside. Near is secretly planning on leaving Derk behind, because he's so sick and tired of Derk's constant drinking and unprofessional. Meanwhile, Derk learns the possible place where Aries could be. Suddenly another earthquake! The town people are freaking out because this place never had earthquake before, and suddenly two in one day? The group is worried, so they decide to meet up with Vespa and Alfredo back in the camp first.
Near, Derk and Leo see a group of mysterious figures in the woods as well. They decide to approach the figures but soon lost them. They see smoke rising from the direction of the camp and run to it. The campsite is on fire, but Alfredo and Vespa are nowhere to be found. They spot a note on the table telling them they're at the pier already, but the mystery figures most likely see it as well. They rush to the pier right away.
The three arrive the pier, but the place is eerily quiet. Derk rushes to the inn to check up Corinna, while Near and Leo run to the boat. Derk can't find Corinna, but a hooded figure alike the one from his dream pops up and fights him. Near and Leo cannot find Vespa or Alfredo and call for their names, a "shh" sound and Near sees Vespa's head popping out of the deck hatch. Vespa whispers them to get down and suddenly arrows come flying to them. They need to get out of here! Near thinks it is the opportunity to get rid off Derk anyway, so he begins to pulls up the anchor. Derk is still fighting the figure at the inn, and things are not looking too well. He jumps out the window and lands on the ground hard. He rushes to the boat while it's still raining arrows. Two arrows with ropes attached land on the deck of the boat. Near tries to cut the rope down, but it's too late. The hooded figure land on the boat already. Near begins to fight one while Derk fights the other. Derk is having his ass kicked by a hooded figure when the hood comes down- it is Argo! Near is not doing too well either as he is about to have his throat cut open. Leo comes to rescue and kicks the hooded figure off Near. A cross-bow bolt pierces through Leo's chest. Near runs over to check Leo, and he is about to be hit by another bolt when suddenly a hand blade flies over killing the hooded figure instantly. Aries jumps on the deck of the ship and begins to fight off the hooded figure. She instantly kills three hooded figures and drives Argo and another one away. The boat sails away from the pier and Aries lights the pier on fire to prevent Argo's pursuit.
The boat is far away from the pier now. Leo has one final breath, asks Near if they won and he dies. Derk wants Aries to take off her mask and tell them what her deal is. She takes off her mask and reveals she's actually Corinna.
Derk wakes up and sees Leo cooking fish next to him. The amulet is glowing again, and Derk wonder where Barrion is. Meanwhile, Joshua flies into the camp and wants Near to follow it. A falcon flies to the camp and circles the camp in a threatening manner. Near doesn't know what to do but uses the animal whistle. The falcon's talon is out, and Joshua fights the falcon. The falcon than drops a letter- it turns out to be a contract job for Near. The contract wants Near to be a guard for a city official's home. Near wonders what Alfredo's plans are if he's going to take the job. As he's out looking for Alfredo, he hears a scream! Near runs after the scream and finds Barrion's corpse in a pool of blood.
Near calls Joshua over to survey the area for any possible suspects. Derk is worried about Vespa, so he decides to go to the pier to find Vespa. Derk comes to the pier and sees Vespa working on a new boat- she just bought a new boat and is getting ready for the next adventure. Vespa requests Derk to get him some tool, so Derk comes to the local inn for the tools. He flirts with the girl in the inn name Corinna and makes some impression. Nothing too much, just Derk being Derk. Back on Near's side, Near is follows Joshua to an abandoned carriage with dead bodies surrounding it. Near finds one of them still alive and asks the man what happened. The man recognizes Near, and has a clear hatred toward him. Near wonder why and the man tells Near to look at inside the carriage. There is a clear signs of ransacked inside the carriage, but Near finds wanted posters of him and Derk- for breaking in and murdered the guards. Near ensures the man that he means no harm, and he wants to know who did this to them, because the person might be the same one that murdered his friend as well. It takes a while, but the man reveals the assassin to be Aries- a legendary assassin famous for swiftness, and ninja-like ability. Near cannot leave the man to die, so he puts the man on the back of a horse, and he rides off to find a village.
Near comes to a village and drops the man off. Knowing that he's a wanted man, Near doesn't want to stay at the village too long and takes off trying to find signs of Aries. He sees hooves prints but it disappears next to a stream, and there's no sign of people anywhere. Don't know what else to do, Near decides to go back to the camp.
Near comes back to the camp, Derk and Vespa are back as well. Suddenly an earthquake that shatters the ground. Freaks out with the situation, the group decides to leave. Near has to make a decision: he either goes with the pirate group, or he goes do his job as the guard. Thinking it's too dangerous to be a guard now as a wanted man, Near decides to join the pirate group along with Alfredo. Vespa thinks it's a good idea as well, so Near and Alfredo are officially in the crew now.
The group packs for the next adventure, and they take Barrion's stuff with them. Near still wants to avenge Barrion's death, so he decides to go back to the village where's the dropped the injured man off. Near, Derk and Leo head for the village to gather information. Derk heads for the bar while Near and Leo look for the injured man. They learn that Aries used to be in a certain clan until she was kicked out. They also suspect Aries might be the same ninja they met in the town before. Derk decides to go talk to the mayor for more information while Near and Leo wait outside. Near is secretly planning on leaving Derk behind, because he's so sick and tired of Derk's constant drinking and unprofessional. Meanwhile, Derk learns the possible place where Aries could be. Suddenly another earthquake! The town people are freaking out because this place never had earthquake before, and suddenly two in one day? The group is worried, so they decide to meet up with Vespa and Alfredo back in the camp first.
Near, Derk and Leo see a group of mysterious figures in the woods as well. They decide to approach the figures but soon lost them. They see smoke rising from the direction of the camp and run to it. The campsite is on fire, but Alfredo and Vespa are nowhere to be found. They spot a note on the table telling them they're at the pier already, but the mystery figures most likely see it as well. They rush to the pier right away.
The three arrive the pier, but the place is eerily quiet. Derk rushes to the inn to check up Corinna, while Near and Leo run to the boat. Derk can't find Corinna, but a hooded figure alike the one from his dream pops up and fights him. Near and Leo cannot find Vespa or Alfredo and call for their names, a "shh" sound and Near sees Vespa's head popping out of the deck hatch. Vespa whispers them to get down and suddenly arrows come flying to them. They need to get out of here! Near thinks it is the opportunity to get rid off Derk anyway, so he begins to pulls up the anchor. Derk is still fighting the figure at the inn, and things are not looking too well. He jumps out the window and lands on the ground hard. He rushes to the boat while it's still raining arrows. Two arrows with ropes attached land on the deck of the boat. Near tries to cut the rope down, but it's too late. The hooded figure land on the boat already. Near begins to fight one while Derk fights the other. Derk is having his ass kicked by a hooded figure when the hood comes down- it is Argo! Near is not doing too well either as he is about to have his throat cut open. Leo comes to rescue and kicks the hooded figure off Near. A cross-bow bolt pierces through Leo's chest. Near runs over to check Leo, and he is about to be hit by another bolt when suddenly a hand blade flies over killing the hooded figure instantly. Aries jumps on the deck of the ship and begins to fight off the hooded figure. She instantly kills three hooded figures and drives Argo and another one away. The boat sails away from the pier and Aries lights the pier on fire to prevent Argo's pursuit.
The boat is far away from the pier now. Leo has one final breath, asks Near if they won and he dies. Derk wants Aries to take off her mask and tell them what her deal is. She takes off her mask and reveals she's actually Corinna.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Megan Fox is going to be April O'Neil
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picture: 2 criminals responsible for ruining a great franchise |
As we know for ages already, Michael Bay is producing the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, which is simply called Ninja Turtles, and he's adding Megan Fox to the movie as April O'Neil!!!!!
How much more can you ruin an awesome franchise, Michael Bay? It's already bad enough that he's turning the turtles' origin to alien creatures instead of mutation, now he's having Megan Fox as April O'Neil? I thought Bay and Fox had a fallout before. What's going on? What does Fox have to do for Michael Bay to forgive her? Yeah, I went there. We're all thinking it.
To make things worst, I heard that Anna Kendrick was in consideration for the role of April before Fox snatched it. That would be so much better, I can totally see Kendrick as April. Now the movie is officially down the shitter, at least we have the awesome TV series to save the franchise. At least.
D-Arts Pokemon Blastoise
Bandai's D-Arts series is releasing Pokemon figure- Blastoise. D-Arts series comes with many articulation points, and this figure also comes with two aqua jets for special effects. This figure will be out in June, and it will cost around 3,800 yen- about 40$. It will be a great toy for Pokemon fans.
Disney Infinity Revealed! Disney's own answer to Skylanders
Update 2-22-2013: Disney has revealed the newest playset for the upcoming Disney Infinity- the Cars pack.
Character from the movie will be in the pack. Confirmed characters are Lighting McQueen, Mater, Holley Shiftwell, and Francesco Bernoulli. The pack also comes with the new map Radiator Springs where the characters can freely interact with each others. This will be the fourth pack announced after the Incredible, Monster University, and Pirates of Caribbean. The game will release in on June 18th. As of now, there isn't a pack that I really want yet, hopefully they will release a Nightmare Before Christmas pack and we shall see :)
On January 15th, Disney announced the much anticipated Disney Infinity for XBOX 360, PS3, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, PC and mobile devices. The game is scheduled, most likely to release in June this year.
The game is going to be like Skylanders with figures that players can put on a base can Infinity Base and the players can gain instant access to the characters in the game. Disney already announced around 30 something characters to be included in the intestinal release, and more characters to come is not known yet.
Items collected and experiences gained in the game will be saved to the figures. That means players can take their figures around with them and have instant access to their data straight away. Also, there are going to be different methods for stat upgrades and special attack. Disney is going to release separate, circular tokens, the Power Disc, to place under the figures and the character will grant the power relate to the character on the Disc. For example, a Buzz Lighter disc will give the characters ability to fly- to infinity... and beyond! Each character can have two power-ups at one time.
Disney has also release the pricing details and sets for the game: The Starter Pack will include Jack Sparrow, Sulley and Mr. Incredible. It also comes with Pirates of the Caribbean, Monsters Inc and The Incredibles play set, which translate into levels in the game. It will also have an Infinity Base. The whole set will retail for $75
Individual figures, which will be 20 something figures at launch, will retail for $12.99 each, and $29.99 for a set of three. Also, the Power Discs will come in a pack of $4.99
Character from the movie will be in the pack. Confirmed characters are Lighting McQueen, Mater, Holley Shiftwell, and Francesco Bernoulli. The pack also comes with the new map Radiator Springs where the characters can freely interact with each others. This will be the fourth pack announced after the Incredible, Monster University, and Pirates of Caribbean. The game will release in on June 18th. As of now, there isn't a pack that I really want yet, hopefully they will release a Nightmare Before Christmas pack and we shall see :)
On January 15th, Disney announced the much anticipated Disney Infinity for XBOX 360, PS3, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, PC and mobile devices. The game is scheduled, most likely to release in June this year.
The game is going to be like Skylanders with figures that players can put on a base can Infinity Base and the players can gain instant access to the characters in the game. Disney already announced around 30 something characters to be included in the intestinal release, and more characters to come is not known yet.
Items collected and experiences gained in the game will be saved to the figures. That means players can take their figures around with them and have instant access to their data straight away. Also, there are going to be different methods for stat upgrades and special attack. Disney is going to release separate, circular tokens, the Power Disc, to place under the figures and the character will grant the power relate to the character on the Disc. For example, a Buzz Lighter disc will give the characters ability to fly- to infinity... and beyond! Each character can have two power-ups at one time.
Disney has also release the pricing details and sets for the game: The Starter Pack will include Jack Sparrow, Sulley and Mr. Incredible. It also comes with Pirates of the Caribbean, Monsters Inc and The Incredibles play set, which translate into levels in the game. It will also have an Infinity Base. The whole set will retail for $75
Individual figures, which will be 20 something figures at launch, will retail for $12.99 each, and $29.99 for a set of three. Also, the Power Discs will come in a pack of $4.99
Thursday, February 21, 2013
DC announces new titles for June
We all know that DC is cancelling six titles in May, and they need six more titles to fill-up that magical number of 52. Now DC reveals two of the titles that're debuting in June- Larfleeze and Batman/Superman.
It's a sad news that Geoff Johns is leaving Green Lantern. However, it's even sadder to learn that DC is shuffling the entire Green Lantern Line creative teams. While it's confusing why DC is doing this, one good thing does come out of it- Larfleeze, the Orange Lantern, is getting his on-going series.
It's a sad news that Geoff Johns is leaving Green Lantern. However, it's even sadder to learn that DC is shuffling the entire Green Lantern Line creative teams. While it's confusing why DC is doing this, one good thing does come out of it- Larfleeze, the Orange Lantern, is getting his on-going series.
Larfleeze is the only Orange Lantern in the universe, due to the fact that Orange is greed, thus don't share power with others. Since his debut, Larfleeze has soon became one of the fan favorite characters. Recently features in Threshold's back-up, now Larfleeze is going to have his own spotlight. Details of the series is still unknown, but I'm sure it has something to do with the Threshold back-up.
The other new series is a big one- Batman/Superman.
Like the same name series from 2003, Batman/Superman is going to re-established the friendship between Batman and Superman. One big problem with the New 52 is a lot of character history has been erased, and their friendship is hardly shown. The series is set to tell the early tales where Superman and Batman first met and fully explore what happened. That means Superman is going to be in his T-shirt and jeans outfit. Hopefully this series doesn't erase what's already shown between the two characters in Justice League and Action Comics, and just work around them.
Once again, these two titles are coming in June. Can't wait.
One Piece Figuarts Zero Luffy (Battle Ver.) and Hody Jones
It is announced that for Bandai's Figuarts Zero series, they're releasing One Piece's main character Monkey D. Luffy's Battle Ver. with him recreating his signature move- Gum-Gum Fire Pistol- Red Hawk.
At the same month, Bandai is also releasing another figure- Hody Jones!
It's always good to see a new character got figure treatments. It makes sense that Luffy with his Red Hawk attack would be pair up with Hody. Luffy first revealed this attack when facing off Hody. Both this figures will be release in June. A great considerations for One Piece fans out there.
Comics Reviews 2-20-2013
I review comic books every week! This week I review comics from DC, Marvel and Shonen Jump's One Piece . In alphabetical order.
After two extra weeks of waiting, Action Comics issue 17 is finally comes out and it does not disappoint. This issue continues to tie up loose ends in Grant Morrison's run on the series, and some confusing plots are begin to have answers. However, while question are answered, the issue lack story progress. It's a good touch to have the citizens of Metropolis to help out Superman, but overall the story is not enough to make this a strong issue. It's might also be because the story was split into two issues, so all the juicy stories are in the next issue.
Whoa, so other than the obvious, no one else notice that Black Canary is the one losing control? It is really annoying that Strix is the only one found out about this, but she cannot talk! To make things worst, no one notices when she writes thing down on the ground. Come on, it's like one of those children in horror movies that no one believes. Strix attempt to kill Black Canary is just stupid. And Black Canary's lame excuse? Yeah, I'm sure Strix just dropped the killer robot thingy, girl. While I always like Superhero team stories, I can really say this is one of the dumbest, and most untrustworthy team ever. The final panel where Black Canary has a stupid smile on her face makes me want to puke. What's she smiling about after she looses control like that?
A long awaited, highly anticipated title. And I'm glad to see that the wait does not go to waste. The core concept of the series is simple- the U.S. Government wants a team of heroes that will answer to them, so they decide to group some B list heroes together whom they can easily control. The issue might be a little slow though, since this is the first issue Johns wants to establish who's joining the team, and why they're joining the team. While the issue might not have enough space to include why most of the heroes are joining the team, it does focus on some of the most trouble characters such as Vibe, Catwoman and Martian Manhunter.
After a week of absent, One Piece is finally back! "Morning paper" is a chapter that takes the story one giant step forward, and shakes the world of One Piece. Doflamingo is no longer a Shichibukai, which they can never complete that magical number 7, and Law's alliance with Luffy is heard by the government. This is a big deal because if Law is not careful, his alliance with Luffy might cause him his Shichibukai title as well. I think most people are angry with the fact that Momonosuke gets to bath with Robin, right? I actually don't really care cause only thing that matter to me with One Piece these days are the plots. The chapter ends with Law giving Doflamingo another phone call, can't wait to see what's in store next.
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Action Comics issue 17 |
The strongest part of this issue is the back-up. The back-up is a cute story between Superman and his father. While the narration method of the story is questionable, it is still a very cute, very heartwarming story. It's funny how Action Comics usually has stronger back-ups than the main story. Can't wait for the epic (I hope) conclusion next week
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Birds of Prey issue 17 |
4/10- if this series don't pick up soon, I'm going to stop buying it.
So after the epic conclusion of Rise of the Third Army, Wrath of the First Lantern begins. And it already deliver some promising story line. First Lantern turns out to be a strong character with strong desire- he want the Guardians to return to their emotional-selves. To me, it seems like DC is trying to clean up some mistakes Johns done on the Green Lantern series- like taking away Ganthet's emotion. Meanwhile, The First Lantern is running low on energy and he is going to steal energy from one of the active Green Lanterns. While it seems like the First Lantern will visit Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner in their own titles, but I doubt anything will really happen. It's been a thing in DC these days that nothing really major happens anyway so while it's intriguing to pick up those titles, but I'm going to save my money for now. Now that Simon Baz is stuck in the Black Ring as well, can't wait to see what's going to happen next.
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Green Lantern issue 17 |
Ha ha, so it turns out that there's going to be more Injustice comics. I really don't know why last issue has an END at the last panel then. But it doesn't matter because I really like this series, and I'm glad there's more going. This issue has Superman making public declare that he is not going to allow bad things to happen anymore... This issue might be as eventful as the past ones, but it's an important stepping stone to where Superman is going to become. It gives me chills to see Superman this way.
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Injustice: Gods Among us issue 6 |
This issue concludes the cross-over event. While this might not be the strongest cross-over event, it is a great story with many things comes out of it. 1). Aquaman is the king of Atlantis again. 2). Orm is arrested and dubbed Ocean Master. 3). Justice League is officially opening their ranks for new member. 4). A villain is also forming a team as well. This is why Justice League is the flagship title of New 52- every time an event happens, something awesome always comes up of it. This issue might not have the strongest story, but it's the final pages that make this once again another strong issue.
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Justice League issue 17 |
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Justice League of America issue 1 |
This is also the first introduction of Star Girl to the New 52 world. While it not be enough of her yet for me to determine, but she seems like an interesting character. The issue also shines some light on the Secret Society, and it seems like a war is just around the corner. Also, the revelation at the end of the issue is a shocking one. Does this mean that Trevor and Green Arrow are secretly working together? We shall find out.
So along with the Justice League of America, Vibe also released this week. While Vibe was a joke character before New 52, this Vibe is actually interesting and fun to read. In fact, I think I enjoy this title more than Justice League of America. The origin might be a typical one, but it certainly allows me to "feel" for the character. His vibration power is no longer limited to shock people (maybe pleasure himself?), he can also vibrate through different dimensions! The possibility of this is just vast. Maybe a chance for the old DC universe to return? Nah, I'm just kidding, but I do hope DC set the new world a lot better though. Anyway, the final panel revels that Darkseid has a daughter, and he will be back for her soon.
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Justice League of America's Vibe issue 1 |
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One Piece Chapter 699 |
Whoa, I though I was reading a Wonder Woman title, and I notice the story isn't as good, so it has to be a Supergirl title. Anyway, this issue has Wonder Woman fighting Supergirl. While both my be equally match in strength, it was Wonder Woman's victory as she's more experience. I'm glad that Supergirl is coming to her sense, because this entire thing with H'el is getting annoying. Just when I was thinking about that, H'el has to come out of no where and ruins things for everyone. I really like the Supergirl title, and I can't wait the cross-over event to be over so I can go back to enjoy this title the way it is.
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Supergirl issue 17 |
This is a fun issue with Doc Ock going crazy that Peter Parker is not a doctor. It is funny how much it bothers him, and it possible that when Parker returns he might have a doctor degree waiting for him. Massacre's return to the series is cool. He's always been an interesting character to explore on. While the villains of the city are afraid of the newly improved Spider-Man, only one villain can take him down and that's Green Goblin.
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The Superior Spider-Man issue 4 |
This issue has Wonder Woman teams up with her former teacher- War. While our heroes are closer to finding Zola's daughter, Wonder Woman is further away from discovering herself. I'm kind of tired with the fact that they're under using Orion. He is such an interesting character, but DC really needs to make him more important than he is right now. This issue ends with Wonder Woman comes face to face with the baby's kidnapper and I can't wait to see what they've store next.
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Wonder Woman issue 17 |
8.2/ 10
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
The Future of PlayStation?
Update 2-20-2013: Don't forget the event is going live now! IGN has the live coverage.
PlayStation just teased that they're announcing something this February 20th, at 6 pm Eastern time. They call this the future of PlayStation- can this be PlayStation 4?
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
S.H. Figuarts Nobi Nobita Unboxing Reviews
I received this in the mail today:
A perfect addition to the Doraemon I already had. And look at all those things it can do! Onward to unboxing!
The figure is worth the money for its likely to the character, and the possible poses it offers you. A really good figure adding to my collection. Even though I'm still afraid to switch parts too much, but this is another really good figure for all Doraemon fans. Maybe I will take some pictures of Nobita with Doraemon.
A perfect addition to the Doraemon I already had. And look at all those things it can do! Onward to unboxing!
Just like the Doraemon figure and Kochikame figure, this one also comes with parts that allows Nobita to recreate moments from the series.
Unlike the Kochikame figure, this one is actually easy to switch parts around. So I have the opportunity to play around with the figure a bit.
Just like the Doraemon figure, Nobita has magnet in its head as well so he can put on the Take-copter easily.
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Don't remember what this is call, but it's very bossy. |
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Boom! |
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I got it! I got it! |
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Bet you guys didn't know Nobita is a very good shot, huh? |
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A good nap after a long day of playing. |
Score: 8.8/10
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Walking Dead "Home" Reviews
While the episode might start off slow, it sure picks up towards the end. Man, was that a good episode or what?
Rick is going to dark places. His actions only put himself and others into more dangers- leaving the gate open cause he's hallucinating his dead wife is not the best thing to do while walkers are around. At least he comes clean with Hershel, a little bit of hope left in this character. I hope.
It's good that Hershel continues to be the wise ole man character where the group goes to for advice. A character like this is well needed in a chaotic world where people's morale are questioned. Glenn's coming up as the one in charge is awesome, while it might be temporary. Good to see that Michonne is starting to live up to her reputation from her comic counterpart. Not only she slashes and dices some walkers up, she also (for the first time) speaks up and chips in to help the group. And with what she did at the end of the episode? She certainly bought her ticket to stay with the group.
There's nothing big happening in Woodburry this week. The only thing interesting is that The Governor might not trust Andrea as much as he's showing her. While the Governor claims that Andrea is in charge, it turns out just a tactic for him to keep her around. And Andrea is right to worry that The Governor is missing. We'll talk more about that later.
A big story this episode is the relationship between the Dixon brothers. Believe it or not, this is the first time these two characters sharing scenes ever, apart from the time Daryl hallucinates his brother. We learn how much Daryl has grown since his brother last seen him. Sometimes Merle doesn't even recognize Daryl anymore because he had turned into such a compassionate character. And while Daryl knows that it's the right thing to be with his brother, but he can't help it but to leave him again. He's not the same character that his brother used to know, and he can't stand his brother's asshole and selfishness. Even though he's walking way, but it's Merle who's leaving again. Classic!
A little side note on that Spanish peaking family the Dixon brothers rescued. Shit, can that family be anymore ungrateful? I know you shouldn't trust strangers when you're in a world like this, but damn! A little thank you wouldn't hurt at all. And like Daryl said, speak English! This is a world where misunderstanding is not allowed at all, and it really wouldn't hurt to learn the universal language.
Axel might be cheesy in this episode, but it's cute to see him working his charms on Carol. I like Carol and Daryl combination, but it would be cute to see Axel and Carol together. Just when I'm thinking about this, Axel took a bullet in the head. He died the same way his comic counterpart did- an unexpected death. The Governor is attacking the prison! I know this retaliation is coming, but I have no idea that it will come this soon. This is why season 3 is awesome, because they don't hold back plots at all. It's brutal that Axel is shot multiple times after his death, but it saves Carol's life. The walker bomb concept is the coolest thing in the show so far. A truck drives into the prison, and dozens of walkers walk out of it? Man, that's genius! I will sure to remember that the next when I want to bring down a prison full of survives in a zombie Apocalypse.
So The Governor attacked and left the prison a mess, and hopefully this will be a wake-up call for Rick. Also, while I'm not a big fan of Merle, it would be nice if he can have a change of heart and helps out around prison. With T-Dog and now Axel gone, we can really use more muscle around the prison. Mentioning muscle, I hope we get to see Tyreese and his group again soon. Where can they be?
Score: 8.8/10
A little side note on that Spanish peaking family the Dixon brothers rescued. Shit, can that family be anymore ungrateful? I know you shouldn't trust strangers when you're in a world like this, but damn! A little thank you wouldn't hurt at all. And like Daryl said, speak English! This is a world where misunderstanding is not allowed at all, and it really wouldn't hurt to learn the universal language.
Axel might be cheesy in this episode, but it's cute to see him working his charms on Carol. I like Carol and Daryl combination, but it would be cute to see Axel and Carol together. Just when I'm thinking about this, Axel took a bullet in the head. He died the same way his comic counterpart did- an unexpected death. The Governor is attacking the prison! I know this retaliation is coming, but I have no idea that it will come this soon. This is why season 3 is awesome, because they don't hold back plots at all. It's brutal that Axel is shot multiple times after his death, but it saves Carol's life. The walker bomb concept is the coolest thing in the show so far. A truck drives into the prison, and dozens of walkers walk out of it? Man, that's genius! I will sure to remember that the next when I want to bring down a prison full of survives in a zombie Apocalypse.
So The Governor attacked and left the prison a mess, and hopefully this will be a wake-up call for Rick. Also, while I'm not a big fan of Merle, it would be nice if he can have a change of heart and helps out around prison. With T-Dog and now Axel gone, we can really use more muscle around the prison. Mentioning muscle, I hope we get to see Tyreese and his group again soon. Where can they be?
Score: 8.8/10
Sunday, February 17, 2013
My TMNT Haul!
I bought these yesterday!
Dogpound, Fishface and the Mutagen from the newest TMNT cartoon series. Dogpound and Fishface are essentially the Rocksteady and Bebop for the new series. And those of you who haven't seen the newest cartoon yet, go see it. It really is the BEST cartoon on TV right now.
This is Dogpound. Perhaps my favorite character in the show because he's just too cute! The figure captures the cuteness of the character, and at the same time, it shows the character's toughness of begin a giant dog. It has enough articulation for Dogpound to make awesome poses.
It wasn't until I got the figure I notice that this guy's left arm is wayyyy bigger than his right. Sadly, the figure I got has some bad paint job and it's chipping away already. Sad day. But overall, it's still a very good figure, and it's definitely a steal for $10.
Next up is Fishface!
Fishface figure is not as articulated as the Dogpound figure. It's because it is a very skinny figure, and it doesn't have many places for articulation. However, the figure has a better paint job than the Dogpound figure, and the scale on it is just fun to stroke it. My biggest problem is the metal knees it has and I just hope it can bend. And take a look at this:
The device here is how Fishface is able to survive on land. In the show it is full of water, but here it only shows plastic. It would be cool if that can give it a more "hydra" feel to it, but heck, I get what I get. It is still an awesome figure.
The Mutagen! When I was a kid, there was a 80s cartoon version of this and I always want it. I never got a chance and when I saw this yesterday, I know I have to get it. Make-up for my lost youth. The Mutagen is just the average goo thingy that usually seen with toy. The surprise is inside cause it comes with a mini turtle
The 80s version comes with a mini turtle, and this is the main reason I want it back in the days as well. I don't know why, but there's just something about a mini turtle inside Mutagen that I find intriguing.
Isn't that just adorable? I didn't know baby turtles comes with their eye-band and weapons ready.
And some extra pics:
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oh no! Mutagen is out! back off! |
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Battle Royale! |
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